xLightsSequencer / xLights

xLights is a sequencer for Lights. xLights has usb and E1.31 drivers. You can create sequences in this object oriented program. You can create playlists, schedule them, test your hardware, convert between different sequencers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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model export to csv - groups have incorrect end channel #1246

Closed darylerwin closed 6 years ago

darylerwin commented 6 years ago

v .33 when I export to csv and sort by controller connection and end channel I can see that end channels for groups is miscalculated. It almost seems like it generates channel numbers like they are themselves models rather then grouping of existing models. Could be groups of groups that is causing this. The last few rows of the spreadsheet show the way too high channel numbers..The first few rows represent the end of the list of valid models and channels. `

Arches-4RR   Arches RGB Nodes 1 150 150 9 3 450 >Arches-3R:1 5431 5880 150 x 1 Default
Eaves - Lower - C9 Lights C9 Lights Single Line RGB Nodes 1 50 50 3 3 150 #42:1 20911 21060 50 x 1 Default
Vertical - 1   Single Line RGB Nodes 1 28 28 1.68 3 84 >Eaves - Lower - C9 Lights:1 21061 21144 28 x 1 Default
Rail - 1   Single Line RGB Nodes 1 34 34 2.04 3 102 >Vertical - 1:1 21145 21246 34 x 1 Default
Group - Mega Tree and Topper AA Mega Tree, Mega Star - 01 ModelGroup             3960   1 3960 73 x 129 Default
Group - Arches Arches-1LL, Arches-2L, Arches-3R, Arches-4RR ModelGroup             1800   4081 5880 376 x 37 Default


Group - Eaves Eaves - Lower - C9 Lights ModelGroup             150   20911 21060 296 x 4 Default
Group - Roof Eaves - Lower - C9 Lights ModelGroup             150   20911 21060 296 x 4 Default
Group - Railings Rail - 1, Rail - 2, Rail - 3, Rail - 4, Rail - 5 ModelGroup             2376   21145 23520 313 x 8 Default
02a Whole House Minus MegaMiniMatrix Garage Outline - 01L, Garage Outline - 02R, Group - House Verticals, Group - Windows, Group - Snowflakes, Group - Arches, Group - Driveway Lights, Group - Railings, Group - Roof, Tree branches, tree trunk ModelGroup             17166   6697 23862 400 x 108 Default
02b Whole House Minus Mega and Matrix Garage Outline - 01L, Garage Outline - 02R, Group - House Verticals, Group - Windows, Boscoyo ChromaFlake 36 3 Prong - 01L, Boscoyo ChromaFlake 36 3 Prong - 02R, Group - Railings, Group - Eaves, Group - Trees, Group - Trees - Medium, Group - Trees - Large, Group - Spiral Trees, Group - Windows - Bottom, Group - Arches, Md Star - 01, Md Star - 02, Lg Star - 01, Lg Star - 02, Group - Driveway Lights ModelGroup             17166   6697 23862 400 x 88 Default
03 Whole House No Matrix Group - Arches, Group - Driveway Lights, Group - Eaves, Group - Home Front, Group - House Horizontals, Group - House Verticals, Group - Spiral Trees, Group - Trees, Group - Windows, Group - Trees - Large, Group - Trees - Medium, Lg Star - 01, Lg Star - 02, Md Star - 01, Md Star - 02, Mega Star - 01, AA Mega Tree, Group - Railings ModelGroup             21246   4081 25326 400 x 88 Default
04 Whole House w Matrix Group - Arches, Group - Driveway Lights, Group - Eaves, Group - Home Front, Group - House Horizontals, Group - Railings, Group - House Verticals, Group - Matrixes, Group - Spiral Trees, Group - Trees, Group - Windows, Group - Trees - Large, Group - Trees - Medium, AA Mega Tree, Lg Star - 01, Lg Star - 02, Md Star - 01, Md Star - 02, Mega Star - 01 ModelGroup             21246   4081 25326 400 x 88 Default
Group - House Horizontals Eaves - Lower - C9 Lights, Group - Windows - Top, Group - Windows - Bottom, Group - Railings, Garage Outline - 01L/Horizontal, Garage Outline - 02R/Horizontal ModelGroup             14415   20911 35325 400 x 92 Default
Group - House Verticals Vertical - 1, Vertical - 2, Vertical - 3, Vertical - 4, Vertical - 5, Vertical - 6, Group - Windows - Left, Group - Windows - Right, Garage Outline - 01L/Left Side, Garage Outline - 01L/Right Side, Garage Outline - 02R/Left Side, Garage Outline - 02R/Right Side ModelGroup             14448   21061 35508 400 x 115 Default
01 Whole House NO YARD Group - Home Front, Group - House Verticals, Group - Railings, Group - Windows, Boscoyo ChromaFlake 36 3 Prong - 01L, Boscoyo ChromaFlake 36 3 Prong - 02R, Matrix - 1L, Matrix - 2R ModelGroup             15126   20911 36036 400 x 115 Default
Group - Home Front Eaves - Lower - C9 Lights, Group - Windows, Garage Outline - 01L, Garage Outline - 02R, Group - House Verticals, Group - Railings, Boscoyo ChromaFlake 36 3 Prong - 01L, Boscoyo ChromaFlake 36 3 Prong - 02R ModelGroup             15126   20911 36036 400 x 115 Default


darylerwin commented 6 years ago

btw .. my xml might still be around from prior issues but I can upload if needed.

keithsw1111 commented 6 years ago

Can you package logs on tools menu and add it.

darylerwin commented 6 years ago

models_20180925.zip xLightsProblem.zip

keithsw1111 commented 6 years ago

Can you be more specific about which group looks wrong?

darylerwin commented 6 years ago

Looking at my models, the Tune To should be the last model at channel 20721. But the groups show: 01 Whole House - starting at 19891 and ending at 35016?? 02a starts at 5677 (might be right) but ending as 22317 - doesnt match any model. 03 same thing ending at 24801 04 ditto Group Home Front starts at 19891 and ends at 35016 ?

Groups of models appear to be okay.. Group Trees Large - appears fine 7291 to 8970