xLightsSequencer / xLights

xLights is a sequencer for Lights. xLights has usb and E1.31 drivers. You can create sequences in this object oriented program. You can create playlists, schedule them, test your hardware, convert between different sequencers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Servo Hidden Data in Sequences? #3631

Open McCoyCOREUSA opened 1 year ago

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

This one is very odd.

I'm setting up servos using the P2Servos12 board. I've only created tests within one sequence (a test sequence), so this model is currently not used in my show. However, my servo prop kept activating during show sequences.

I opened the model in the sequence and expanded to 'Strand 1' then expanded to the servos level, and there is some kind of data shown. I can't click it. When I do a 'Find Possible Source Effects' it shows "No effects found...try render all".

There is simply no way to access these effects and I don't know why they are on a prop that has never been used within the sequences. It's also in about half of my show sequences. The data doesn't match any of my other effects in the sequence.

My assumption is it might be left-over data from a previous model on the port or something? I did remove a model this year and replaced it with a new model. But how could this data remain and be placed on a different model like this? And if it is, why is it not rendering out blank? I rendered all and it's still there. I found I have to expand String 1 and the Servo levels to display them first, then I render all and they are rendered out of the sequence. xlights report 2022-12-11_17-46-46

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

I just found it in my 'After Show' sequence, which is a very basic sequence for after the show. I added this sequence in a ZIP. SEQ After Show.zip

AzGilrock commented 1 year ago

The zip file needs to include the xlights_rgbeffects.xml. Did you do a Package Sequence?

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

Sorry, my mistake. Here it is. SEQ After Show PACKAGE 2022-12-11-001.zip

AzGilrock commented 1 year ago

Is it P2S12 (Santa)? I can't find any effect data there.

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

Correct, it's the P2S12 (Santa). This is why it's confusing to me. There shouldn't be any data, but there is. It triggers my physical prop, so it's sending the data. I just opened this sequence and expanded out the P2S12 (Santa) -- and I see data.... 2022-12-11_20-02-00

AzGilrock commented 1 year ago

Strange cause I rendered the sequence you posted and I'm not seeing any data

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

I know. I've rendered this sequence several times in the past month or so. But I never looked deeper on this model, because it wasn't hooked up or used. So it rendered and kept that data somehow. But if I expand it, then render, it will erase it and seems to be okay after that point. When I checked every one of my sequences, half had the data in them -- and they were all rendered many many times. This is why I find this so odd.

The reason I found it was last night when my prop was powered on (but not added to any sequence), I didn't think about it and left for dinner. We got back and the prop was triggering and destroyed itself. I thought someone did it. I started investigating and found the data that was triggering it. The Zoom Room was also curious why the data was showing, did render for the live show, but isn't selectable. So I continued my investigation and found rendering while the model is completely opened will finally clear the data for it.

AzGilrock commented 1 year ago

Not sure...maybe clear the render caches.

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

Another question related to servos -- can the servo names be renamed? Instead of "Servo 1" I'd like to rename it to "Arm Shoulder" or such.

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

This is getting stranger....

I just opened the sequence and there was no data in the P2S12 (Santa) model. I did Tools > Purge Render Cache (which I'm assuming doesn't need a "save" afterwards? I closed the sequence and re-opened it. Data is back. Did I miss a step?

AzGilrock commented 1 year ago

Well I think data does get pulled from the FSEQ file.

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

Adding new info.

I manually removed all hidden/unavailable data from all sequences. Closed and reopened each sequence to check. Fixed prop. Tonight, sequences still triggering servos. Destroyed prop again.

It has to be an issue with the servos effect. No other explanation that I can find. I might be done with it this year. Each issue is doing $100 damage to the servos which have to be replaced.

Is there another effect that can control servos with the Pixels2Servos board?

AzGilrock commented 1 year ago

Is there no limit protections on that servo board? My board that controls a skull will not let me drive it past the limits that are set.

Also I thought the problem was data showing up on the servo layers when you couldn’t trace it to any effect so how would a servo effect be responsible? You will still get zeroes sent to the channels if you have no effects defined.

McCoyCOREUSA commented 1 year ago

There are limits. The problem is the prop has constrained limits. So when a servo is fired too far, it physically hits things. My limits would be in the sequencing.

But it's also the data banging it hard. It's hitting the limits back and forth quickly. Since the prop has a little weight to it, it destroys it. I actually found one servo head was bent.

I realize I'll have to deal with the physical limitations and such, but xLights sequences should not be sending any data to them. That's why I don't understand. I now have nothing showing in any sequences, but the data is somehow still there and driving it. I've cleared the render cache, re-rendered, etc. I'm not sure what else I can do? And the same sequence I submitted here had no data for you, but it did for me. If you have other ideas, I'm open to trying whatever.