In the web app, you can use the "Find in page" functionaility of the browser (if you know about it) to search through expenses.
When you installed it to the homescreen, there are no browser controls anymore though.
So we should probably add an ability to search somewhere?
A good place might be a search icon next to the "Transactions" heading. When you tap it, it could expand to "Search transactions", replacing the heading. As you type, the transactions can be filtered.
In the web app, you can use the "Find in page" functionaility of the browser (if you know about it) to search through expenses.
When you installed it to the homescreen, there are no browser controls anymore though.
So we should probably add an ability to search somewhere? A good place might be a search icon next to the "Transactions" heading. When you tap it, it could expand to "Search transactions", replacing the heading. As you type, the transactions can be filtered.