New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE)
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NVSE wont open at all #193

Open BeanBoy14 opened 4 months ago

BeanBoy14 commented 4 months ago

it gives me the gambryo error and i tried the normal fix and it does nothing the only thing i have is a text file called falloutnverror.txt

Fallout: New Vegas Computer Name: Initializing Renderer... Create D3D9 instance...SUCCESSFUL

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Attempting to create rendering device

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Could not create device of desired type - trying next-lower device type

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Attempting to create rendering device

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Could not create device of desired type - trying next-lower device type

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Attempting to create rendering device

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Could not create device of desired type - trying next-lower device type

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Attempting to create rendering device

NiDX9Renderer::Initialize> Could not create hardware device of any type - FAILING

lStewieAl commented 4 months ago

Please send rendererinfo.txt from %USERPROFILE%/Documents/My Games/FalloutNV

BeanBoy14 commented 4 months ago

sorry for the late response but its empty for me

BeanBoy14 commented 4 months ago

sorry my bad i had to uninstall nvse and open the game for it to work

Renderer Device Information: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU nvldumd.dll RenderPath : BSSM_SV_2_A PSversion : 300 VSversion : 300 VStarget : vs_2_0 PStarget : ps_2_a PS2xtarget : ps_2_a maxPS20inst : 512 3.0 Support : yes 3.0 Lighting : yes Nonpowerof2textures : yes FP16ARGB blending : yes FP16ARGB filtering : yes High dynamic range : yes Bloom lighting : no Refraction : yes 2.0 hairw : yes SLI mode : no Water shader : yes Water reflections : yes Water displacement : yes Water high res : no Multisample Type : 4 Transparency MS : yes Shader Package : 13 HW Thread Count : 12

BeanBoy14 commented 4 months ago

i get the same problem when i install it on vortex

BeanBoy14 commented 4 months ago

Please send rendererinfo.txt from %USERPROFILE%/Documents/My Games/FalloutNV

is there any way to fix my problem?

AVeryUncreativeUsername commented 4 months ago

Yes! Do not lose hope young one! This guide will.....guide you through all you need to do to get playing FNV.


BeanBoy14 commented 4 months ago

thank you

migrgh commented 4 months ago

If you enable ASLR on windows 11 fallout new vegas unable to run even without NVSE.

Demorome commented 3 months ago

Someone installed the 4GB Patcher on nexus and apparently that fixed it for them, could try that.