xNul / palworld-host-save-fix

Fixes the bug which forces a player to create a new character when they already have a save. Useful for migrating maps from co-op to dedicated servers and from one dedicated server to another.
MIT License
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Parsing JSON files...Killed #135

Closed NoksC closed 4 months ago

NoksC commented 5 months ago

Helllo there,

Gettings weird issue with the script, when parsing JSON everything stop :

python3 ~/palworld-host-save-fix/fix-host-save.py ~/.cargo/bin/uesave ~/backup/SaveGames/76561198076018633/69603AA5483208C13BF332A6F3BC56A9/ EFB2AB95000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000001 false
WARNING: Running this script WILL change your save files and could potentially corrupt your data. It is HIGHLY recommended that you make a backup of your save folder before continuing. Press enter if you would like to continue.
Converting save files to JSON...
File /home/steam/backup/SaveGames/76561198076018633/69603AA5483208C13BF332A6F3BC56A9//Level.sav uncompressed successfully
File /home/steam/backup/SaveGames/76561198076018633/69603AA5483208C13BF332A6F3BC56A9//Level.sav (type: 50) converted to JSON successfully
File /home/steam/backup/SaveGames/76561198076018633/69603AA5483208C13BF332A6F3BC56A9//Players/00000000000000000000000000000001.sav uncompressed successfully
File /home/steam/backup/SaveGames/76561198076018633/69603AA5483208C13BF332A6F3BC56A9//Players/00000000000000000000000000000001.sav (type: 49) converted to JSON successfully
Parsing JSON files...Killed

( trying using the script directly on my Linux VM who host the dedicated Palworld Server.

Thanks for your help

NoksC commented 5 months ago

Nevermind, finally gettings worked with Python on Windows.

But now, on the linux dedicated server, the server crash every 10min with the save, not with a fresh start. So we gived up on this for now ...

xNul commented 5 months ago

Try removing that trailing forward slash from your save's path. It's resulting in double forward slashes. Also, I don't think there's anything in the script which would cause the server to crash. Out of the dozens, maybe hundreds, of reports I've gotten, I haven't had anyone say it causes their server to crash before.