xRyul / obsidian-image-converter

⚡️ Convert and compress images from one format to another by drag'n'dropping or pasting files into the note.
MIT License
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[QUESTION] Is there a way to include subfolder in the file location? #14

Closed lduperval closed 7 months ago

lduperval commented 7 months ago


Is there a way to include the subfolder in the name of the file for compatibility purposes? For examples, if I ask to put the file in the "images" subfolder, the file is stored there but the Markdown does not include the subfolder name. So if I open the file in a different app, the contnt is missing.



xRyul commented 7 months ago

Just for clarification, lets assume if I drop "image.jpg" into note called "MySampleNote.md":

Various options for file renaming are in the roadmap, although can't provide exact date right now

lduperval commented 7 months ago


No, not quite.

If I have an image called: doctor-listening-to-patient-heart.jpg

I want the file to be named


where YYYYMMDD is not necessarily important. But the doctor-listineng-to-patient part is because it contains semantic information.


xRyul commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the clarification. Should be possible to implement this, although not sure about forward slash “/”, Obsidian doesnt allow certain special characters to be used in the name e.g “/\:” are not allowed, hence most likely would need to use “-” or “underscore” instead.

Gonna have to investigate it further

On Mon, 2 Oct 2023 at 14:19, lduperval @.***> wrote:


No, not quite.

If I have an image called: doctor-listening-to-patient-heart.jpg

I want the file to be named


where YYYYMMDD is not necessarily important. But the doctor-listineng-to-patient part is because it contains semantic information.


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lduperval commented 7 months ago

Actually, the "images/" is not part of the name. It's the folder specified in the config. It could be anything.



xRyul commented 7 months ago

I think I finally got it 😅


  1. To preserve the original name you can simply turn off: Auto rename
  2. If images/ doesn't have to be in the name, you can put the image into images/ subfolder via: a) "Output" -> "In the folder specified below:" then type in "/images". This will allow you to store all images inside this folder, regardless in which note they are located. b) "Output" -> "In subfolder under current folder" then type in "/images". If you have many folders in Obsidian, and each folder represents a category/project, then this option might be great for you. It will create a subfolder under current note, or if the note is inside the folder, then it will create subfolder inside this folder. Thus essentially allowing your images to follow your "projects".


lduperval commented 7 months ago

Oh, that's simpler than I thought! Thanks!

lduperval commented 7 months ago

Hi again,

I have another question. Above you say that if "images/" doesn't have to be in the name I have a couple of options. But what if I do want "images" to be part of the name (which is what I want for compatibility with other editors)?
