xRyul / obsidian-image-converter

⚡️ Convert and compress images from one format to another by drag'n'dropping or pasting files into the note.
MIT License
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change the time to register "create" event. support insert multi imgs at once. #24

Closed dotkt closed 6 months ago

dotkt commented 7 months ago

change the time to register "create" event. support insert multi imgs at once.

xRyul commented 7 months ago

Hey, thanks for contributing.

Following seems to allow multi drop and even saves a few ms during load. Many thanks 🙏 although, going to have to test it further, especially with various SYNC methods

        this.dropListener = () => {
            userAction = true;
            setTimeout(() => userAction = false, 10000);

        this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(() => {
            document.addEventListener("paste", this.pasteListener);
            document.addEventListener('drop', this.dropListener);
                this.app.vault.on('create', (file: TFile) => {
                    if (!(file instanceof TFile)) return;
                    if (isImage(file) && userAction) {
                    // userAction = false; // uncommented to allow multi-drop


        const currentLine = cursor.line;
        function escapeRegExp(string: string) {
            return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& 表示整个匹配的字符串
        const findText = escapeRegExp(linkText);
        const replaceText = newLinkText;
        const docContent = editor.getValue();
        const regex = new RegExp(findText, 'g');
        const newContent = docContent.replace(regex, replaceText);
        editor.setCursor({ line: currentLine, ch: 0 });
        // Ensure the current line is in a visible position
        editor.scrollIntoView({ from: { line: currentLine, ch: 0 }, to: { line: currentLine, ch: 0 } });
dotkt commented 7 months ago

npm run dev

发件人: xRyul @.> 发送时间: 2023年10月18日 19:10 收件人: xRyul/obsidian-image-converter @.> 抄送: dotkt @.>; Author @.> 主题: Re: [xRyul/obsidian-image-converter] change the time to register "create" event. support insert multi imgs at once. (PR #24)

Hey, thanks for contributing.

Following seems to allow multi drop and even saves a few ms during load. Many thanks 🙏 although, going to have to test it further, especially with various SYNC methods

            this.dropListener = () => {
                    userAction = true;
                    setTimeout(() => userAction = false, 10000);

            this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(() => {
                    document.addEventListener("paste", this.pasteListener);
                    document.addEventListener('drop', this.dropListener);
                            this.app.vault.on('create', (file: TFile) => {
                                    if (!(file instanceof TFile)) return;
                                    if (isImage(file) && userAction) {
                                    // userAction = false; // uncommented to allow multi-drop


            const currentLine = cursor.line;
            function escapeRegExp(string: string) {
                    return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& 表示整个匹配的字符串
            const findText = escapeRegExp(linkText);
            const replaceText = newLinkText;
            const docContent = editor.getValue();
            const regex = new RegExp(findText, 'g');
            const newContent = docContent.replace(regex, replaceText);
            editor.setCursor({ line: currentLine, ch: 0 });
            // Ensure the current line is in a visible position
            editor.scrollIntoView({ from: { line: currentLine, ch: 0 }, to: { line: currentLine, ch: 0 } });

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