xRyul / obsidian-image-converter

⚡️ Convert and compress images from one format to another by drag'n'dropping or pasting files into the note.
MIT License
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image links with path dont get modified on resize #35

Open farhansolodev opened 5 months ago

farhansolodev commented 5 months ago

When an image link has a path like: ![[../assets/where which.png]] or ![[../assets/where which.png|300]] etc. , on resizing by dragging the edge of the image, or even when using Shift + Scrollwheel, the link (number part) doesnt get changed to reflect the new sizes.

But when using just the name of the image, it works fine, like: ![[where which.png]] or ![[where which.png|300]] etc.

This issue does not exist when copy pasting an image into a note as the name in the link will just have the image's filename, but when manually entering a link with a chord like: ![[whe<Enter>, it gets changed to ![[../assets/where which.png]] with an entire filepath, by default, forcing me to manually remove the path so that resizing works.