xTrayambak / lucem

Bridging the gap between Vinegar and Sober
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Spams 'flatpak ps --columns=application', causing polkitd excessive ram usage #11

Closed Furthir closed 2 months ago

Furthir commented 2 months ago

Using Lucem will spam the flatpak ps --columns=application command dozens of times per second per journalctl -b. This causes polkitd's memory usage to increase ~0.1MiB per second, or ~360MiB per hour. This becomes an issue for long sessions. Sober does not have this behavior.

The journal will eventually look like this.


The whole line is Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:2545802:28338875 (system bus name :1.373087 [flatpak ps --columns=application], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:2617339:28604274 (system bus name :1.376838, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8)

Currently my workaround is to repeatedly run sudo systemctl restart polkit to reset its ram.

Unsure if this is related, but running lucem run -v also spams DEBUG shell: refresh: acquiring lock on ptr LoadingState DEBUG shell: loading screen is done, hiding surface

xTrayambak commented 2 months ago

The lucem run -v spam is intended. I've been having this issue myself for a while too, but it's a bit difficult to solve since that's basically how we verify that Sober's still running. As a bandaid fix until I patch this out entirely, open up the settings manager and set the polling delay to something like 8000. image

xTrayambak commented 2 months ago

This should be fixed by that commit since we now directly use pidof instead of relying on flatpak ps, but this is a temporary solution (I'm on a metro :P). I'll add a proper /proc scanner once I'm back home.