xackery / mp

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What mechanics would you like to see in the game? #7

Open xackery opened 4 years ago

xackery commented 4 years ago

List ideas for the MVP and what elements you think would look good in the game.

Use reactions/thumbs up for ideas you support/like!

Sub debates:

xackery commented 4 years ago



Expanding on guns, should there be a limited ammo setup? Where you have to be resourceful e.g. resident evil style? How early into the game should guns be introduced?

I vote for no guns until much later in game, if at all.. something to unlock, especially with the plan to wrap around back to village, if we have roaming guards or monsters you have to stealth past initially, being able to unload on them could be fun.

AlmightyRa commented 4 years ago

Expanding on guns, should there be a limited ammo setup? Where you have to be resourceful e.g. resident evil style? How early into the game should guns be introduced?

I vote for no guns until much later in game, if at all.. something to unlock, especially with the plan to wrap around back to village, if we have roaming guards or monsters you have to stealth past initially, being able to unload on them could be fun.

Limited ammo pick-ups have pros and cons. On one hand it makes the actual use of the gun more tense, since resources are artificially scarce. The fear of the player getting hard-stuck because they ran out of ammo is worth addressing.

So, I think, we have ammo pick-ups--a moderate amount (encouraging looking at shelves in rooms)-- but perhaps we include a fail safe:

Ali and I spoke about having some open-ended levels, like having the cave-area loop back into the village. Perhaps there's a second, weapon, an infinite ammo one, or a melee weapon. It would reward exploration and insure there is never a hardcap on ammo.

AlmightyRa commented 4 years ago

I'm sure we'll tweak this in time anyway but let's make the character movement a little stiffer. Feels very glidey and we'd probably want a slower overall walk speed.

Also, objects' silhouettes are clearly visible from longer distances. We'd probably want to either shorten the length at which the player can see the silhouettes, or go to links in the design to hide them.

alimalkhalifa commented 4 years ago

I like guns. Let's add them as a mechanic.

alimalkhalifa commented 4 years ago

I have this thought to make drinking from water pools become the way to get your health recovered, with a way to bottle that water. Sort of like Zelda fairies? Except it's glowy water. maybe you can hear the lady of the lake humming when you come close. Associate that with safety.