Message: (opinion) the existence of spell skills creates unfun gameplay moments that involve the player casting the same spell on himself repeatedly. Auto level them to max at every level
User: Nocu (Dolmir) [Shaman] (cid: 663342, accid: 75350, client: RoF2) at 10 Sep 18 13:42 UTC
Location: #zone wakening, 119, -1031.840000, 403.326000, -20.935500
Target: Client Nocu (cid: 663342, accid: 75350)
Message: (opinion) the existence of spell skills creates unfun gameplay moments that involve the player casting the same spell on himself repeatedly. Auto level them to max at every level User: Nocu (Dolmir) [Shaman] (cid: 663342, accid: 75350, client: RoF2) at 10 Sep 18 13:42 UTC Location: #zone wakening, 119, -1031.840000, 403.326000, -20.935500 Target: Client Nocu (cid: 663342, accid: 75350)