xahlee / xah-fly-keys

the most efficient keybinding for emacs
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Try to change keymap for exwm #107

Open spiderbit opened 3 years ago

spiderbit commented 3 years ago

I have succesfully changed the keymap for exwm (X) buffers, in command mode by removing the commands from the command-map when I switch to that buffers and setting it back when I entering a normal emacs buffer.

(defun sb/keys-change (x)
  (if (equal 'cons (type-of mode-name))
    (setq xah-fly-command-map (assq-delete-all ?q xah-fly-command-map))
    (setq xah-fly-command-map (assq-delete-all ?c xah-fly-command-map))
    (setq xah-fly-command-map (assq-delete-all ?t xah-fly-command-map))
    (setq xah-fly-command-map (assq-delete-all ?, xah-fly-command-map))
    (setq xah-fly-command-map (assq-delete-all ?f xah-fly-command-map)))
       (bind-key (kbd "q") 'xah-cut-line-or-region xah-fly-command-map)
       (bind-key (kbd "c") 'previous-line xah-fly-command-map)
       (bind-key (kbd "t") 'next-line xah-fly-command-map)
       (bind-key (kbd ",") 'xah-shrink-whitespaces xah-fly-command-map)
       (bind-key (kbd "f") 'undo xah-fly-command-map))))
(advice-add 'other-window :after #'sb/keys-change)
(advice-add 'other-frame :after #'sb/keys-change)
(add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook
         (lambda () (sb/keys-change nil)))

The Problem is that I create some sort of a whitelist, while in reality I would need more like a blacklist also it's not great to hardcode the rebinding of the buttons I don't want to be active in command mode in X buffers, because if upstream the mapping would change, I would have to update my code.

I thought about saving somewhere a backup of the "full" command-map and just reseting it when I enter a normal emacs buffer with something like that: (setq sb/shadow-map (copy-keymap xah-fly-command-map)) and instead of the bind-key commands then: (setq xah-fly-command-map (copy-keymap sb/shadow-map))

But for some reason that does not work, then I looked at the Readme and tried to remap some keys: (define-key exwm-mode-map [remap next-line] (lambda () (interactive) (insert-char ?t)))

But neither remap it to nil nor insert-char does work, because inserting is not the same as sending the key to the window/buffer, I think the remap does not work for my problem beacuse I need to "unset" the key not set it to something different.

what seems to reset the mapping pretty good is to evaluate the expression:


in xah-fly-keys-el, but that is no function so I can't directly call it.

spiderbit commented 3 years ago

btw there might be better ways to detect it but mode-name for exwm buffers are cons not a string, so if mode-name is type cons it's a X buffer.

spiderbit commented 3 years ago

I guess 1 at least partial solution would be to put the xah-fly--define-keys expression in a function, and call it directly afterwards? Then you could call it from outside too, that could replace the else part of my solution.