xaitax / CVE-2024-6387_Check

CVE-2024-6387_Check is a lightweight, efficient tool designed to identify servers running vulnerable versions of OpenSSH
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adding network support in ip_list_file #28

Closed nrukavkov closed 4 days ago

nrukavkov commented 4 days ago

Adding network support in ip_list_file

def process_ip_list(ip_list_file):
    ips = []

        with open(ip_list_file, 'r') as file:
            for target in file:
                if '/' in target:
                        network = ipaddress.ip_network(target.strip(), strict=False)
                        ips.extend([str(ip) for ip in network.hosts()])
                    except ValueError as e:
                        print(f"❌ [-] Invalid CIDR notation {target} {e}")
    except IOError:
        print(f"❌ [-] Could not read file: {ip_list_file}")
    return [ip.strip() for ip in ips]