xamarin / AndroidX

AndroidX bindings for .NET for Android
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Fix issue causing `nuget-diff.md` noisiness. #854

Closed jpobst closed 4 months ago

jpobst commented 4 months ago

Changing a NuGet version results in the following nuget-diff output:

## Xamarin.AndroidX.Compose.Animation.Android

### Changed Metadata

- <description>.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX - animation-android (bindings without managed callable wrappers (C#) and are only used for including Java files) artifact=androidx.compose.animation:animation-android artifact_versioned=androidx.compose.animation:animation-android:1.6.1</description>
+ <description>.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX - animation-android (bindings without managed callable wrappers (C#) and are only used for including Java files) artifact=androidx.compose.animation:animation-android artifact_versioned=androidx.compose.animation:animation-android:1.6.2</description>

We have code that prevents this difference from being reported in the <tags> metadata: https://github.com/mattleibow/Mono.ApiTools.NuGetDiff/pull/17/files#diff-c5198c01355b93901ed282c06486717664977778fc50e66fbad36b28e1f37f73R58-R66

However this template also puts artifact_versioned in the <description> which we weren't scrubbing. Update to a new version of private-api-tools which additionally scrubs artifact_versioned from <description>.