xamarin / AndroidX

AndroidX bindings for .NET for Android
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Add extended CI test job. #892

Closed jpobst closed 2 weeks ago

jpobst commented 1 month ago

Our current BuildAllDotNet and BuidAllMauiApp tests provide a smoke test that we are able to compile an application that consumes all of the packages from this repository simultaneously. However, this doesn't surface dependency errors that a user would see if they add individual packages to their application, which is the way packages are actually consumed.

This PR provides extended tests that do the following for each individual package:

Even though we parallelize the tests across many test agents, this involves compiling over 600 applications, so the tests take a long time to run and cannot be run on every commit. For now, we will start with this being a manually run CI test that can be kicked off in the CI UI by setting the Run Extended Tests? parameter to true.

Note that there are currently packages that fail this test. Our goal will be to fix these in future changes.

Example CI build: https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_build/results?buildId=9723061&view=results