xamarin / AndroidX

AndroidX bindings for .NET for Android
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error CS7069: Reference to type 'ILifecycleOwner' claims it is defined in 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common', but it could not be found #909

Closed tuyen-vuduc closed 1 day ago

tuyen-vuduc commented 1 week ago

Android application type

Android for .NET (net6.0-android, etc.)

Affected platform version

VS 2022 17.10.2


I am trying to update my binding library for SceneView. However, there is an issue with Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common v2.8.2.

error CS7069: Reference to type 'ILifecycleOwner' claims it is defined in 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common', but it could not be found

Steps to Reproduce

Prerequites: .NET8, Java 17

  1. Clone repo at branch feat/scence-view-2.2.1
  2. Run sh bind.sh --artifact io.github.sceneview:sceneview:2.2.1
  3. Wait and see the error

Did you find any workaround?


Relevant log output

error CS7069: Reference to type 'ILifecycleOwner' claims it is defined in 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common', but it could not be found
jpobst commented 1 week ago
