xamarin / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

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iOS 14 requires Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS (version 7.64 or later) #433

Open kungbernard opened 3 years ago

kungbernard commented 3 years ago


I just got a message from Google AdMob that for iOS 14, it requires to app to use Google Mobile Ads SDK 7.64 or above which enables AppTrackingTransparency support. The currently Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.AdMob is still using 7.57.0 SDK from what I understand. Would be great if there's an update of SDK before the official release of iOS14

Reference for the iOS14 notice from Google: https://support.google.com/admob/answer/9997589

Thanks Bernard

Macjon commented 3 years ago

Any updates @Redth ?

Sebastian1989101 commented 3 years ago

I'm also interested in updates about this topic. @SotoiGhost are there already plans or a ETA when 7.64 will be available for Xamarin?

AntRemo commented 3 years ago

Also hoping there will be an update soon 🤞😊🙏

tonyfonager commented 3 years ago

As iOS 14 is out now, can we get any ETA for when this is supported ? Thanks

YasarYY commented 3 years ago

Xamarin.Google.iOS.MobileAds and Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.AdMob are still on Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS version 7.57, if I understand correctly. Latest iOS 14 requires version 7.64 or later, as mentioned here. Mail from Google (dated Aug 19, 2020) says it's "to avoid a considerable negative impact on the ad revenue".

So, it would be great if we get an update on this issue, ETA or a response saying some people are working on this.

Sebastian1989101 commented 3 years ago

Yea by now it would be time... @SotoiGhost

It's more than two month since the mail from Google and since it is required. iOS is released for weeks now and we are still not able to update our apps.. which means we all just lost money by the hour... I generated ~10% more users and AdMob is even ~5% less compared to prior iOS 14..