xamarin / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

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UIWebView comment in AppAuth may cause the app to be rejected by Apple #435

Open olman21 opened 3 years ago

olman21 commented 3 years ago

We are working on getting our app in compliance with App Store requirements for google sign in, by this year any usage of UIWebView will be a reason of rejection in App Store. Running a grep lookup on my app I realized you are referencing OpenID AppAuth version 1.3.0 in that version there is a header file called AppAuth.h (Located in Frameworks/AppAuth.framework/Headers folder) this file contains a comment where is mentioning the fact there's no any usage of UIWebView or WKWebview, just by mentioning in the comment might be interpreted as some sort of usage. AppAuth project guys realized that may cause rejection and removed the comment for version 1.3.1.

I think it's important to update the AppAuth reference in Google SignIn package in order to avoid any rejection in App Store. I know this is silly stuff because just by a simple comment is necessary to generate a new release but it's better not to mess with Apple since they've historically been kind of grumpy.

https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-iOS/issues/529 https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/122114

hugotruffe79 commented 3 years ago


We have the same problem!.

Here show the news versions that this library https://cocoapods.org/pods/AppAuth#changelog

meliheran commented 3 years ago

Still have this problem ?

mkpoul commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue right now.

meliheran commented 3 years ago

Xamarin Forms 5 update fixed that problem..

mkpoul commented 3 years ago

I use Xamarin Native iOS/Android.