xamarin / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

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Google Maps SDK for iOS requires GoogleMaps.bundle to be part of your target #620

Closed florian-krueger closed 1 year ago

florian-krueger commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I am migrating a Xamarin (MVVMCross) app to .net 6.0. The app uses Google Maps and crashes at startup in LoadView() with this message: ObjCRuntime.ObjCException: 'Objective-C exception thrown. Name: GMSServicesException Reason: Google Maps SDK for iOS requires GoogleMaps.bundle to be part of your target under 'Copy Bundle Resources'

I am using Xamarin.Google.iOS.Maps and Xamarin.Google.iOS.Place

I compared my csproj to the sample csproj in this project, but didn't find anything useful.

I barely find anything on Google related to this, just some native XCode SO questions. Can somebody hint me to the right direction?

Thanks Florian

florian-krueger commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

somehow, I solved it with installing the following package via NuGet: Xamarin.Build.Download

See: https://github.com/xamarin/XamarinComponents/issues/1063

Hope it helps someone.

Cheers Florian