xamarin / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

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When will this be compatible with Maui Apps (android and iOS) and .Net 7 #627

Open blmiles opened 9 months ago

blmiles commented 9 months ago

I'm refactored my app into Maui and against .Net 7 as that is what works the most in the Maui projects.

THIS being an essential part of Xamarin apps and very soon, Maui apps, ought to be brought up to speed ASAP!

These are the errors I'm seeing in iOS builds:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB3027 Could not copy "C:\Users\linds.nuget\packages\xamarin.firebase.ios.core\\lib\net6.0-ios15.4\Firebase.Core.resources\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.xcframework\ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.framework\PrivateHeaders\GULCCComponentContainerInternal.h" to "bin\Debug\net7.0-ios\iossimulator-x64\Firebase.Core.resources\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.xcframework\ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.framework\PrivateHeaders\GULCCComponentContainerInternal.h". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB3021 Unable to copy file "C:\Users\linds.nuget\packages\xamarin.firebase.ios.core\\lib\net6.0-ios15.4\Firebase.Core.resources\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.xcframework\ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.framework\PrivateHeaders\GULCCComponentContainerInternal.h" to "bin\Debug\net7.0-ios\iossimulator-x64\Firebase.Core.resources\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.xcframework\ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.framework\PrivateHeaders\GULCCComponentContainerInternal.h". Could not find a part of the path 'bin\Debug\net7.0-ios\iossimulator-x64\Firebase.Core.resources\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.xcframework\ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator\GoogleUtilitiesComponents.framework\PrivateHeaders\GULCCComponentContainerInternal.h'.

@Redth Microsoft ought to be making this a priority for the Maui framework! and soon!

Same with this as they've both become essential components REALLY need to be up to speed! https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/InAppBillingPlugin

MasonWray commented 9 months ago

I am having this issue as well. Our team is currently held up on this. Any word on a fix or a workaround would be immensely appreciated.

AlleSchonWeg commented 9 months ago

Hi @rolfbjarne perhaps you could help? This repository looks abandoned. Nobody maintain it anymore.

rolfbjarne commented 8 months ago

Hi @rolfbjarne perhaps you could help? This repository looks abandoned. Nobody maintain it anymore.

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