xamarin / GooglePlayServicesComponents

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Java type `com.google.android.play.core.assetpacks.AssetPackManager` is generated by more than one managed type #786

Closed janne-hmp closed 1 year ago

janne-hmp commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying to add Xamarin.Google.Android.Play.Core nuget package to my game project GnollHack, and I get the following error:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error       The Java type `com.google.android.play.core.assetpacks.AssetPackManager` is generated by more than one managed type. Please change the [Register] attribute so that the same Java type is not emitted.  GnollHackClient.Android         

I think this is because there is also Com.Google.Android.Play.Core in the project automatically, possibly coming with Mono.Android. How do you remove this error, or if need be, Com.Google... packages?

moljac commented 1 year ago

@janne-hmp Thanks for the feedback. Can you create repro sample, please?

janne-hmp commented 1 year ago

I in fact figured out the reason for the conflict. I was using James Montemagno's Plugin.StoreReview nuget package, which had the conflicting names for Java classes (in Com.Google.Android.Play.Core). When I removed Montemagno's nuget package, things started working.