xamarin / GooglePlayServicesComponents

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Binding for com.google.android.gms.games.snapshot #800

Open pekspro opened 9 months ago

pekspro commented 9 months ago

I'm working with a game, and I have been able to use leaderboards. But I also would like to add support for saved games:


But as I understand it there is no binding for com.google.android.gms.games.snapshot. Can this be added? Please, please, please :-)

moljac commented 9 months ago


Thanks for the feedback.

Seems like this artifact is not in the official repo:


I found it here:


I cannot guarantee that bindings will be done in some reasonable time.

stuartmilleruk commented 6 months ago

I think the binding is in the official repo as a part of Play Services Games v2, in:


At least, looking in the javadoc files there's documentation for it. Are the bindings automatically generated from this or do they need to be manually written? ( currently assessing the feasibility of adding some of this myself .. but still trying to figure out how things are put together in the Xamarin/.NET bindings )

moljac commented 6 months ago


Thanks for the feedback

How about:



stuartmilleruk commented 6 months ago

@moljac thanks... sorry, this thread was mentioned in my bug #771 ( PlayersClient classes are missing in the xamarin gpg plugin which makes it impossible to track player changes ) and I noticed the binding that @pekspro needed was in the v2 API as you say.

@pekspro does the V2 API have all the bits you're looking for?

pekspro commented 6 months ago

@stuartmilleruk, I have tried the latest version of Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Games.V2, and there is no PlayGames.GetSnapshotClient() that I think is needed :-(

As a side note, this nuget package works in .NET 7 projects, in .NET 8 compiling seems to fail :-(