xamarin / urho-samples

Samples for the Urho bindings
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Navigation sample crashes in real android device #11

Open hermanhmchan opened 8 years ago

hermanhmchan commented 8 years ago

The program crashes when click "Set". In debug mode, exception is thrown at NavigationMesh.FindPath.

Here is the stack trace for reference:

05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218): Stacktrace:
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218): 
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at (wrapper managed-to-native) Urho.Navigation.NavigationMesh.urho_navigationmesh_findpath (intptr,Urho.Vector3,Urho.Vector3,int&) <IL 0x0002c, 0xffffffff>
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Navigation.NavigationMesh.FindPath (Urho.Vector3,Urho.Vector3) <IL 0x0000a, 0x0014b>
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Samples.Navigation.SetPathPoint () [0x000b0] in C:\Users\herman.chan\Downloads\urho-samples-master\urho-samples-master\FeatureSamples\Core\15_Navigation\Navigation.cs:289
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Samples.Navigation.MoveCamera (single) [0x001bb] in C:\Users\herman.chan\Downloads\urho-samples-master\urho-samples-master\FeatureSamples\Core\15_Navigation\Navigation.cs:129
05-25 12:48:17.943 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Samples.Navigation.OnUpdate (single) [0x00009] in C:\Users\herman.chan\Downloads\urho-samples-master\urho-samples-master\FeatureSamples\Core\15_Navigation\Navigation.cs:86
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Application.HandleUpdate (Urho.UpdateEventArgs) <IL 0x00028, 0x0020f>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Engine/<>c__DisplayClass104_0.<SubscribeToUpdate>b__0 (intptr) <IL 0x00019, 0x00103>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.UrhoObject.ObjectCallback (intptr,int,intptr) <IL 0x00014, 0x000ef>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at (wrapper native-to-managed) Urho.UrhoObject.ObjectCallback (intptr,int,intptr) <IL 0x00027, 0xffffffff>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at (wrapper managed-to-native) Urho.Application.Application_Run (intptr) <IL 0x00029, 0xffffffff>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Application.Run () <IL 0x00006, 0x0004f>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at Urho.Droid.UrhoSurface/<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<CreateSurface>b__0 (intptr) <IL 0x00011, 0x00083>
05-25 12:48:17.953 E/mono-rt ( 8218):   at (wrapper native-to-managed) Urho.Droid.UrhoSurface/<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<CreateSurface>b__0 (intptr) <IL 0x0002f, 0xffffffff>
ic3y808 commented 7 years ago

I'm also seeing this happen on android 7.0. Cant run any pathfinding in my own apps/ in this specific sample on android, otherwise works on windows desktop.

Anyone have any workarounds to getting Urho.Navigation.NavigationMesh.urho_navigationmesh_findpath working with actual devices?

aurodev commented 6 years ago

Also seeing this with UrhoSharp1.73pre on an Android device and on Bluestacks. The Navigation sample exits on set.

The Crowd Navigation sample works just fine on an Android device and Bluestacks. (except the Teleport button spawns a Jack :D )