xamarin / urho

Code to integrate with the Urho3D engine
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Windows forms MaxFps don't work #319

Open Zamir7 opened 6 years ago

Zamir7 commented 6 years ago

I put Engine.MaxFps = 2000 in any case does not exceed 60 in winforms. On android and wpf - fine. (1.8.93)

EgorBo commented 6 years ago

For WindowsForms/WPF use 'MaxFps' property in UrhoSurface, I'll try to link them.

dotMorten commented 6 years ago

...btw in remote desktop you should limit that to 30fps. You can cause some serious RDP issues if you don't (this recommendation came directly from the RDP team). You will for instance see the composition target thread will slow down to 30fps automatically too. I personally see improved visual framerate when lowering to 30fps, since RDP can easier keep up.