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[Meta] Xcode 13.0 Support #12778

Closed dalexsoto closed 2 years ago

dalexsoto commented 3 years ago

🚨 Update ⚠️

Hello All!

We have what we believe is the final build for Xcode 13 Support

Thank you for your patience!

The macios team!

~Apple released Xcode 13.0 on September 20, 2021 we are working to get our Xcode 13 support release out in the meantime if you use Xamarin we recommend you to not upgrade to Xcode 13 just yet and keep using Xcode 12.5.~

~If you updated to Xcode 13, you have 3 options:~

  1. ~You can download Xcode 12.5 from the downloads page in the Apple Developer Portal and continue to use it.~
  2. ~If you need to keep Xcode 13 but want to use our current stable d16-10 bits you will need to install the following in you macOS machine~
  3. ~Use a build from our [xcode13-ios]() branch, this is where our next stable release is coming out and it includes all the iOS 15 SDKs APIs, that said we are still ironing it out.~

~We will keep this issue updated as we go to have the final builds declared.~

~Thank you for your patience!~

~The macios team!~

KennyEng12 commented 2 years ago
  • Header bar background color is missing and appear transparent now.

I got this issue as well in my mobile app. But mine is Tab navigation background color: image The background color should be orange instead of transparent.

After that I found barTintColor not working in iOS 15, it mentions about:

In iOS 15, UIKit has extended the usage of the scrollEdgeAppearance, which by default produces a transparent background, to all navigation bars. The background is controlled by when your scroll view scrolls content behind the navigation bar. Your screenshots indicate that you are scrolled to the top, and so the navigation bar has selected its scrollEdgeAppearance over the standardAppearance that it would use when scrolled, and on previous versions of iOS.

Thanks, Kenny.

NarimanV commented 2 years ago

Please can someone help ? I updated my xcode to 13 and downloaded Xamarion ios 15 from this page and updated my Visual Studio Windows to lastest 16.11.3

When i connect to mac it says Xamarin Mismatch and need to downgrade xamarin ios from 15 to 14.20 which is i don't want to. The whole point is i want to use xamarin 15 for iOS 15, so what shoukd i do ? should i wait or should i do something ?

ahoke-cr commented 2 years ago

@NarimanV this message was confusing at first to me, too. You can "cancel" the version downgrade to 14.20 and Visual Studio will still connect to your Mac build host.

NarimanV commented 2 years ago

@ahoke-cr Yes, you are right, i select "cancel" for first time and it connected as you mentioned, but after restarting my computer it doesn't connect anymore when i click on"cancel".

dalexsoto commented 2 years ago

Hello All, Xcode 13 support is now live in the Visual Studio For Mac stable channel.

The Visual Studio for Windows update will come soon too.

Thanks a lot to you all for testing our candidates, reporting back and your patience 🙏.

With ❤️ The macios team.

ptabatt commented 2 years ago

My apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but how do I actually install xamarin.ios-

alvartabe commented 2 years ago

My apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but how do I actually install xamarin.ios-

you can just download the latest version of visual studio

ahoke-cr commented 2 years ago

@ptabatt Download the file to your Mac build host and double-click it. It will open an install wizard like an MSI or EXE setup file on Windows would.

npagare commented 2 years ago

My apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but how do I actually install xamarin.ios-

While logged into your Mac - click on this link . That will start downloading of that package. After downloading is complete, then, click on that package to install it on your machine. Then open VS for Mac (which btw should show you this package if tried to check for update) and run a test application to check if iOS 15 simulators are accessible to run your app using those.

timmi4sa commented 2 years ago

@dalexsoto Thanks a lot, my Visual Studio for Mac has presented the Update Available dialog box automatically 4 hours ago!! All installed and now the iOS Simulators are launching! You guys rock!

JDOSR commented 2 years ago

Has anyone been able to successfully push to a device? This has been the biggest issue left. I'll file an issue for this.

kiske1 commented 2 years ago

Has anyone been able to successfully push to a device? This has been the biggest issue left. I'll file an issue for this.

I have no problem deploying to an iphone 7 with iOS 14

Immons commented 2 years ago

Hello All, Xcode 13 support is now live in the Visual Studio For Mac stable channel.

  • If you find issues related to the macios SDKs file them here.
  • If you find issues related to Xamarin.Forms file them here.

The Visual Studio for Windows update will come soon too.

Thanks a lot to you all for testing our candidates, reporting back and your patience 🙏.

With ❤️ The macios team.

And what about Hot reload that wasn't working?

HopInTheCloud commented 2 years ago

Any updates and/or feedback for Visual Studio 2019 for Windows?

HopInTheCloud commented 2 years ago

Has anyone been able to successfully push to a device? This has been the biggest issue left. I'll file an issue for this.

I have no problem deploying to an iphone 7 with iOS 14

And iOS 15?

beeradmoore commented 2 years ago

No issue pushing to iOS 15 here.

pavshr commented 2 years ago

No issue pushing to iOS 15 here.

Same, works perfectly as far as I can tell.

Thanks for update!

KennyEng12 commented 2 years ago

@beeradmoore @pavshr

Are your application's UI OK? I'm facing tab background color issue.

Thanks, Kenny.

RTchakmakian commented 2 years ago

I still have problems with methods Asyncronous and Task.Run(() => (method)) @Immons @dalexsoto

lassana commented 2 years ago

Does XAML Hot Reload work for you guys?

pavshr commented 2 years ago

@beeradmoore @pavshr

Are your application's UI OK? I'm facing tab background color issue.

Thanks, Kenny.

Yes, my app's UI is OK, but UI issues might be specific to your implementation or changes made by Apple in the new SDK (e.g., they might do a change like setting default color from White to Transparent or something like this, you should check the release notes to Xcode 13, maybe, to get the whole overview of the changes that might have impacted your app's UI).

So far I do not see any significant UI issues in my Xamarin.Forms application.

Immons commented 2 years ago

Does XAML Hot Reload work for you guys?

no, and they dont really care

SaravananWipro commented 2 years ago

Hello All, Xcode 13 support is now live in the Visual Studio For Mac stable channel.

  • If you find issues related to the macios SDKs file them here.
  • If you find issues related to Xamarin.Forms file them here.

The Visual Studio for Windows update will come soon too.

Thanks a lot to you all for testing our candidates, reporting back and your patience 🙏.

With ❤️ The macios team.

What is the new Xamarin.iOS version? is it same package xamarin.ios- ?. i have already installed this version and i did not get any update on my Mac.

davidortinau commented 2 years ago

Does XAML Hot Reload work for you guys?

no, and they dont really care

Please file XAML Hot Reload issues through VS Feedback so it can be triaged to the right team.

npagare commented 2 years ago

Does XAML Hot Reload work for you guys?

no, and they dont really care

Please file XAML Hot Reload issues through VS Feedback so it can be triaged to the right team.

Hi @davidortinau, good morning!

Will submit the VS Feedback as always. Before that please take a look at this message - HotReload broken

Question is - when will the rigor in the process be addressed to factor in dependencies across the chain of tools, SDK, platform, IDE etc. for development process to be efficient every time a new feature or NuGet package is released ?

The current issue of Hot Reload broken is not a new experience. It is consistent with other similar experiences for last couple years. The need of effective tooling needs to be a top priority so that community doesn't need to chase and run around 3rd party dependencies.

Without addressing and restructuring the internal co-dependencies, challenges around people, process & teams - How does the development community should even start engaging with the upcoming capabilities on the mirage and be part of the celebration when things at hand are not as stable, structured and working ?

There are so many VS Feedbacks submitted but is the voting weightage based criteria really working to its core intent ? Most of the time it is a hot potato going from one hand to other.

How this is going to be really better with MAUI and/or .Net 6 ?

Just wondering what's more important to address as a top priority - Streamlining of the assembly line of people & process or rushing to build new features and capabilities ?

npagare commented 2 years ago

Does XAML Hot Reload work for you guys?

no, and they dont really care

Please file XAML Hot Reload issues through VS Feedback so it can be triaged to the right team.

Hi @davidortinau , VS Feedback is submitted as requested https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/VS-16113-Hot-Reload-not-working-after/1543889?entry=myfeedback

noahcolvin commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know how long it takes for new releases to be available in AppCenter? 14.20 is still listed as the latest under "Preview".

cgwhouse commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know how long it takes for new releases to be available in AppCenter? 14.20 is still listed as the latest under "Preview".

I believe App Center builds are a separate thing, but I've filed this issue to track getting the hosted agents updated in Azure DevOps / GitHub Actions: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/issues/4200

tomwalker-guestlogix commented 2 years ago

I believe the Azure team is already planning to roll out updates for Xcode 13 to the hosted Macs for Azure pipelines. Would this include the Xamarin.iOS bits as well? https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/issues/4180

Rockshox93 commented 2 years ago

Still having issues with my remote buildhost. VS on my windows saying, that it's not compatible with the version ( on my buildhost, any thoughts?

WongWeiLoon commented 2 years ago

Xamarin ios, iOS 15, listviews are a bit under their normal location. I found this issue on only iOS 15 devices/simulators. Take a look: image

Hey @ShadowOfPhantom, have you managed to fix this ?

ShadowOfPhantom commented 2 years ago

Xamarin ios, iOS 15, listviews are a bit under their normal location. I found this issue on only iOS 15 devices/simulators. Take a look: image

Hey @ShadowOfPhantom, have you managed to fix this ?

Hi! Yes, here is the solution But I recommend to wait for update that will be available ~ on October 13 with bug fixes, because current version has a lot of bugs, it’s a really bad idea to use it in production

t9mike commented 2 years ago

The table section issue is not a bug. Just Apple change present since first iOS15 Betas. https://twitter.com/chockenberry/status/1405679018909655044?lang=en.

kurtblondin commented 2 years ago

Does anyone has issue with their app published to TestFlight ? I updated my Visual Studio for mac. My app runs fine with the debug and release version but, when I open my app on TestFlight, it crashes when opening. The build I made with the previous version of VS is working perfectly fine. Tested on iPhone XR iOS 14.8 and iPhone 12 Pro iOS 15.

mikeks commented 2 years ago

Any updates for VS for Windows? I have VS 2019 16.11.3 and it says "The Xamarin.iOS SDK version '' that is installed on the Mac is not compatible with this version of Visual Studio.". Thanks.

npagare commented 2 years ago

Any updates for VS for Windows? I have VS 2019 16.11.3 and it says "The Xamarin.iOS SDK version '' that is installed on the Mac is not compatible with this version of Visual Studio.". Thanks.

Hi @mikeks,

Refer to this workaround I posted at this https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/12778#issuecomment-925507681 Hope it works for you.

mackayn commented 2 years ago

@dalexsoto @IoTFier

Thanks for the workarounds, can confirm updating VS4Mac to latest stable and adding to the flag for VS2019 for Windows gets remote iOS builds to iPhone running on iOS 14.8 deploying after a few reboots and a little swearing :)

Some odd stuff in TabbedPage views though in iOS but that's an XForms issue.

kwaclaw commented 2 years ago

None of the solutions work for me: VS 2019 16.11.3 (Windows), Mac Mini with XCode 13, iPad Mini with iOS 14.8.

This is quite inconvenient, as I am working on a high priority bug.


ahoke-cr commented 2 years ago

@kwaclaw I am able to build just fine using VS 2019 16.11.3 (Windows), Mac mini with XCode 13, and iPhone XS (or any simulator) while my Mac mini has Xamarin SDK installed. You could try cleaning the Mac build cache which usually fixes the odd issue.

grriffin commented 2 years ago

I am able to build VS for Windows fine now, using Xamarin SDK on my Mac. However, if I use new features included in the latest Xamarin.iOS SDK like SectionHeaderTopPadding on a UITableView then Visual Studio reports that this property doesn't exist. I guess the Xamarin.iOS package that Visual studio uses also needs to be updated.

Is there any way around this? Or do I have to wait for the next Visual Studio update to include new Xamarin.iOS packages? image

kwaclaw commented 2 years ago

@ahoke-cr Thanks for the advice but cleaning the build cache did not help either. The error references a native bindings library which is the part that does not build.

ahoke-cr commented 2 years ago

@kwaclaw that error sounds like an issue with your project, not Xamarin. If the file needs to be copied as part of the build process, ensure that it is in fact being copied to the build folder. Try to reproduce the issue with a fresh new project and perhaps that will help you narrow down the cause.

kwaclaw commented 2 years ago

@ahoke-cr Just got the new VS update for Windows (16.11.4) and the build issue is resolved.

vitalyster commented 2 years ago

Just got a new VS update with Xamarin.iOS and simulators are not listed again (previously it works in

PredatH0r commented 2 years ago

I made the mistake to update VS2019 Community Edition to Version 16.11.4, which now REQUIRES Xcode 13. Also installed Xamarin on both Windows and the Mac.


mackayn commented 2 years ago

Seen the tab issue, that will need a Forms patch I'm guessing, don't know if an issue has been raised.

Can confirm HotReload is borked on iOS 15 sim (sigh) with latest service pack of Forms.

haavamoa commented 2 years ago

Same happened to me as well @PredatH0r . Is there any way to roll back versions? I am totally stuck here.

PredatH0r commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately there is no way to rollback VS2019 Community. Microsoft only offers downgrades for the Professional and Enterprise versions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2019/history

So I'm stuck with VS2019 16.11.4 and Xcode 13 now.

With a small code Change in AppDelegate.cs I can at least make the Title bar and Tab bar visible again. For unknown reasons though, as soon as I set a ScrollEdgeAppearance (with out without explicit BackgroundColor), the ForegroundColor will be black, ignoring the value from XAML or any attempt to set a value in code through either ScrollEdgeAppearance or StandardAppearance. I'm giving up on this now.

    public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
      LoadApplication(new App());

      if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(15, 0))
        var textColor = UIColor.Red;

        UINavigationBar.Appearance.ScrollEdgeAppearance = new UINavigationBarAppearance() { BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(33, 150, 234) };
        UINavigationBar.Appearance.ScrollEdgeAppearance.TitleTextAttributes.ForegroundColor = textColor; // will be ignored and Title is ALLWAYS black

        UITabBar.Appearance.ScrollEdgeAppearance = new UITabBarAppearance { BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(33, 150, 234) };

      return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);

GTCLive commented 2 years ago

The negligence level reigning in that software provider team is now beyond comprehensible. Obviously some sort of internal sabotage going on. Are MS executives/shareholders aware of this situation and investigating into this recurrent issue?

WongWeiLoon commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately there is no way to rollback VS2019 Community. Microsoft only offers downgrades for the Professional and Enterprise versions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2019/history

So I'm stuck with VS2019 16.11.4 and Xcode 13 now.

With a small code Change in AppDelegate.cs I can at least make the Title bar and Tab bar visible again. For unknown reasons though, as soon as I set a ScrollEdgeAppearance (with out without explicit BackgroundColor), the ForegroundColor will be black, ignoring the value from XAML or any attempt to set a value in code through either ScrollEdgeAppearance or StandardAppearance. I'm giving up on this now.

public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
  LoadApplication(new App());

  if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(15, 0))
    var textColor = UIColor.Red;

    UINavigationBar.Appearance.ScrollEdgeAppearance = new UINavigationBarAppearance() { BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(33, 150, 234) };
    UINavigationBar.Appearance.ScrollEdgeAppearance.TitleTextAttributes.ForegroundColor = textColor; // will be ignored and Title is ALLWAYS black

    UITabBar.Appearance.ScrollEdgeAppearance = new UITabBarAppearance { BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(33, 150, 234) };

  return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);

@PredatH0r , I encountered similar issue for TabBar in iOS15, you can refer to this solution. I believe you can implement the similar idea for your Title Bar. Good Luck