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Build from Visual Studio 2022 17.8.0 Preview 3.0 paired to Mac failing if using a Nuget package with xcframework reference #19173

Closed skha83 closed 11 months ago

skha83 commented 11 months ago

Might be something similar to #19152 or at least the second comment in that issue.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create new Blank Maui App from Template
  2. Add Nuget Package References to a package containig a xcframework in this case Cognex.cmbSDK.Maui which is a barcode scanner
  3. Connect to Mac
  4. Deploy to real device or simulator

Expected Behavior

App builds and deploys to device without problems

Actual Behavior

The build fails. This Nuget package and build worked on previous preview versions and RC1 of .NET 8.0. I have tried with both Xcode 14.3 and Xcode 15 on the remote Mac.

The build fails with the following warning and errors. The first warning is probably what generate the last error as it can't find symbol references because of the warning. I have checked that the file is located in the given folder. Warning in the start of the build:

1>  Task "ResolveNativeReferences"
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:42.4589736+02:00 - Started
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:42.4589736+02:00 - Initializing
1>    [xma][info]: Trying to get a Build Connection...
1>    [xma][info]: Sending Request Xamarin.Messaging.GetActiveAgentsMessage to topic xma/agents
1>    [xma][info]: Received Response of Xamarin.Messaging.GetActiveAgentsMessage to topic build180165484SrenK/+/xma/agents
1>    [xma][info]: Sending Request Xamarin.Messaging.GetActiveAgentsMessage to topic xma/agents
1>    [xma][info]: Received Response of Xamarin.Messaging.GetActiveAgentsMessage to topic build180165484SrenK/+/xma/agents
1>    [xma][info]: The Build Connection 'Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Client.BuildConnection.18016' is active and ready to use
1>    [xma][info]: Sending Request Xamarin.Messaging.GetActiveAgentsMessage to topic xma/agents
1>    [xma][info]: Received Response of Xamarin.Messaging.GetActiveAgentsMessage to topic build180165484SrenK/+/xma/agents
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:42.6284209+02:00 - Initialized
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:42.6441381+02:00 - Determining the modified inputs that should be copied to the Mac (181 files)
1>    [xma][info]: Determining task items to copy to the server for 'MauiTestApp'...
1>    [xma][info]: Sending Request Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Contracts.CompareItemsMessage to topic xvs/build/16.4.8968-net8-rc2/compare-items
1>    [xma][info]: Received Response of Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Contracts.CompareItemsMessage to topic build180165484SrenK/+/xvs/build/16.4.8968-net8-rc2/compare-items
1>    [xma][info]: There's no new items to copy to the server for 'MauiTestApp'
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:43.3798444+02:00 - Serializing inputs
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:43.3950558+02:00 - Executing
1>    [xma][info]: Starting remote task execution for 'MauiTestApp': Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks.ResolveNativeReferences
1>    [xma][info]: Sending Request Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Contracts.ExecuteTaskMessage to topic xvs/build/16.4.8968-net8-rc2/execute-task/MauiTestApp/0d88230002fResolveNativeReferences
1>    [xma][info]: Received Response of Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Contracts.ExecuteTaskMessage to topic build180165484SrenK/+/xvs/build/16.4.8968-net8-rc2/execute-task/MauiTestApp/0d88230002fResolveNativeReferences
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:43.6653202+02:00 - Logging messages
1>    C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\tools\msbuild\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets(138,3): warning : The file 'c:/nuget/cognex.cmbsdk.maui/2.7.0/buildTransitive/../lib/net6.0-ios16.0/cmbSDK.xcframework/Info.plist' does not exist.
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:43.6653202+02:00 - Deserializing outputs
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:43.6653202+02:00 - Creating output items
1>    ResolveNativeReferences: 2023-10-12T09:52:43.6653202+02:00 - Finished
1>  Done executing task "ResolveNativeReferences".

Error in the end of the build:

1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\tools\msbuild\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets(138,3): warning : The file 'c:/nuget/cognex.cmbsdk.maui/2.7.0/buildTransitive/../lib/net6.0-ios16.0/cmbSDK.xcframework/Info.plist' does not exist.
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error : clang++ exited with code 1:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error : ld: warning: ignoring duplicate libraries: '-lSystem.Globalization.Native', '-lSystem.IO.Compression.Native', '-lSystem.Native', '-lSystem.Net.Security.Native', '-lSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple', '-lcompression', '-lmono-component-debugger', '-lmono-component-diagnostics_tracing', '-lmono-component-hot_reload', '-lmono-component-marshal-ilgen', '-lmonosgen-2.0', '-lxamarin-dotnet-debug'
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error : ld: Undefined symbols:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_cleanupLib, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_createRegionsFromTiles, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_disableCode, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_disableFlag, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_disableSubcode, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_enableCode, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_enableFlag, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_enableSubcode, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_getActiveCodes, referenced from:
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :       <initial-undefines>
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1556,3): error :   _MWB_getActive
1>    1 Warning(s)
1>    1 Error(s)


Version information ``` Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 Version 17.8.0 Preview 3.0 VisualStudio.17.Preview/17.8.0-pre.3.0+34205.153 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8.04084 Installed Version: Professional ASP.NET and Web Tools 17.8.339.8044 ASP.NET and Web Tools Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0 17.8.339.8044 Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0 C# Tools 4.8.0-3.23504.4+81d9274600db701a8b08ed8af3fd6b00a775cc33 C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used. Extensibility Message Bus 1.4.39 (main@e8108eb) Provides common messaging-based MEF services for loosely coupled Visual Studio extension components communication and integration. Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0 Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines Mono Debugging for Visual Studio 17.8.17 (957fbed) Support for debugging Mono processes with Visual Studio. NuGet Package Manager 6.8.0 NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit https://docs.nuget.org/ Razor (ASP.NET Core) Provides languages services for ASP.NET Core Razor. StylerPackage Extension 1.0 StylerPackage Visual Stuido Extension Detailed Info TypeScript Tools 17.0.20920.2001 TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Basic Tools 4.8.0-3.23504.4+81d9274600db701a8b08ed8af3fd6b00a775cc33 Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used. Visual F# Tools 17.8.0-beta.23475.2+10f956e631a1efc0f7f5e49c626c494cd32b1f50 Microsoft Visual F# Tools Visual Studio Extension for SpecFlow 1.0 Visual Studio extension for working with SpecFlow projects and Gherkin feature files. Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2 AI-assisted development for Visual Studio. VisualStudio.DeviceLog 1.0 Information about my package VisualStudio.Mac 1.0 Mac Extension for Visual Studio VSPackage Extension 1.0 VSPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info Xamarin (d17-8@592be68) Visual Studio extension to enable development for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. Xamarin Designer (remotes/origin/d17-8@eccf46a291) Visual Studio extension to enable Xamarin Designer tools in Visual Studio. Xamarin Templates 17.8.16 (830b56a) Templates for building iOS, Android, and Windows apps with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms. Xamarin.Android SDK (d17-5/45b0e14) Xamarin.Android Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support. Mono: d9a6e87 Java.Interop: xamarin/java.interop/d17-5@149d70fe SQLite: xamarin/sqlite/3.40.1@68c69d8 Xamarin.Android Tools: xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/d17-5@ca1552d Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac SDK (9d266025e) Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support. ```

Build Logs

Output-Build.txt https://github.com/skha83/MauiIosError/blob/main/Output-Build.txt

Example Project (If Possible)


rolfbjarne commented 11 months ago

OK, I can reproduce, and I'll try to fix this next week.

philipag commented 11 months ago

@rolfbjarne I see you fixed this. Is it possible to install this updated build task on top of the latest VS 17.8.0 Preview 3 so that I can continue development?

rolfbjarne commented 11 months ago

@philipag I haven't tested this, but there may be a workaround you can apply locally:

  1. Locate the file Xamarin.Shared.targets - it's probably something like C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\16.4.8968-net8-rc2\tools\msbuild\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets - and open it in a text editor.
  2. Find the _ExpandNativeReferences target (around line 140):
<Target Name="_ExpandNativeReferences" Condition="'$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'" DependsOnTargets="_DetectSdkLocations;_ComputeTargetArchitectures;_GenerateBundleName">
        <_XCFrameworkNativeReference Include="@(NativeReference -> '%(Identity)/.')" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.xcframework'" />
        <_FrameworkNativeReference Include="@(NativeReference -> '%(Identity)/%(Filename)')" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.framework'" />
        <_FileNativeReference Include="@(NativeReference)" Condition="'%(Extension)' != '.framework' And '%(Extension)' != '.xcframework'" />
        Condition="'$(IsMacEnabled)' == 'true' And '$(IsBindingProject)' != 'true'"
        <Output TaskParameter="NativeFrameworks" ItemName="_ResolvedNativeReference" />

        <_FrameworkNativeReference Include="@(_ResolvedNativeReference)" Condition="'%(Kind)' == 'Framework'" />
        <_FileNativeReference Include="@(_ResolvedNativeReference)" Condition="'%(Kind)' == 'Static' Or '%(Kind)' == 'Dynamic'" />
  1. Remove the SessionId="$(BuildSessionId)" line, so that it reads:
<Target Name="_ExpandNativeReferences" Condition="'$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true'" DependsOnTargets="_DetectSdkLocations;_ComputeTargetArchitectures;_GenerateBundleName">
        <_XCFrameworkNativeReference Include="@(NativeReference -> '%(Identity)/.')" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.xcframework'" />
        <_FrameworkNativeReference Include="@(NativeReference -> '%(Identity)/%(Filename)')" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.framework'" />
        <_FileNativeReference Include="@(NativeReference)" Condition="'%(Extension)' != '.framework' And '%(Extension)' != '.xcframework'" />
        Condition="'$(IsMacEnabled)' == 'true' And '$(IsBindingProject)' != 'true'"
        <Output TaskParameter="NativeFrameworks" ItemName="_ResolvedNativeReference" />

        <_FrameworkNativeReference Include="@(_ResolvedNativeReference)" Condition="'%(Kind)' == 'Framework'" />
        <_FileNativeReference Include="@(_ResolvedNativeReference)" Condition="'%(Kind)' == 'Static' Or '%(Kind)' == 'Dynamic'" />
  1. Try to build again.
skha83 commented 11 months ago

With this temporary fix I'm able to build my app targeting iOS again πŸ‘ thx a lot

OudomMunint commented 10 months ago

Got this error when trying the temp fix unfortunately: Error MSB4018 The "ResolveNativeReferences" task failed unexpectedly.

psdiviso commented 10 months ago

@rolfbjarne Hello. When I try your fix it seems like it works but when I try to open the app on the phone after build is done it just opens quickly and then closes again.

montrelln commented 10 months ago

@rolfbjarne this happens because MobileAds.SharedInstance is null with in the AppDelegate.cs FinishedLaunching method. This work around only allows you to build locally, but when you connect to mac you receive a totally different error. Have anyone found a fix where you can actually build using remote device, while paired to a mac?

rolfbjarne commented 10 months ago

@rolfbjarne this happens because MobileAds.SharedInstance is null with in the AppDelegate.cs FinishedLaunching method. This work around only allows you to build locally, but when you connect to mac you receive a totally different error. Have anyone found a fix where you can actually build using remote device, while paired to a mac?

This should be fixed once we release .NET 8.