xamarin / xamarin-macios

.NET for iOS, Mac Catalyst, macOS, and tvOS provide open-source bindings of the Apple SDKs for use with .NET managed languages such as C#
2.42k stars 507 forks source link

[release/8.0.1xx-xcode15.1] Update service connection #20603

Closed dalexsoto closed 1 month ago

dalexsoto commented 1 month ago

Manual backport of https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/pull/20554

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:books: [PR Build] Artifacts :books:

Packages generated

View packages

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [CI Build] Windows Integration Tests passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All Windows Integration Tests passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: a9727c256e74b918b4f916deb7d5a3789c12f51b [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [PR Build] Build failed :fire:

Build failed for the job 'Build macOS tests'

Pipeline on Agent Hash: a9727c256e74b918b4f916deb7d5a3789c12f51b [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13.0) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13.0) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11.5) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11.5) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: simulator tests

0 tests crashed, 10 tests failed, 95 tests passed.


:x: dotnettests tests

1 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* DotNet tests: Failed (Execution failed with exit code 1)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests

9 tests failed, 30 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2890 Passed: 2757 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 14 Ignored: 119) * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Release (NativeAOT, ARM64) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent_binding_projects: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: install_source: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 40 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mac_binding_project: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mmp: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mononative: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mtouch: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: xammac: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: a9727c256e74b918b4f916deb7d5a3789c12f51b [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:white_check_mark: API diff for current PR / commit

NET (empty diffs) * ~iOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~tvOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~MacCatalyst~: (empty diff detected) * ~macOS~: (empty diff detected)

:white_check_mark: API diff vs stable

.NET (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240515.3/9580719-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/f891c5af4f22f336541191c9b614925e) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240515.3/9580719-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/f052f13a342f94884bc5e8c6f41b8c34) (No breaking changes) * MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240515.3/9580719-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/33094b60a46197a1a1380fd61d52b693) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240515.3/9580719-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/0962f4258b13a861ca5a61dc7eb81cf3) (No breaking changes) * Microsoft.iOS vs Microsoft.MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240515.3/9580719-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/iOS-MacCatalyst-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/ffc3879e2e9164f63e35083f12c66806)

:information_source: Generator diff

Generator Diff: vsdrops (html) vsdrops (raw diff) gist (raw diff) - Please review changes)

Pipeline on Agent Hash: a9727c256e74b918b4f916deb7d5a3789c12f51b [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: simulator tests

0 tests crashed, 20 tests failed, 75 tests passed.


:x: monotouch tests [attempt 2]

20 tests failed, 9 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: TimedOut ( (failed to parse the logs: The Writer is closed or in error state.)) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: TimedOut * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug [dotnet]: HarnessException (Harness exception for 'monotouch-test': System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (A task was canceled.) ---> System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional (System.Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) [0x00013] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/external/corert/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/Tasks/Task.cs:2029 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult].GetResultCore (System.Boolean waitCompletionNotification) [0x0002b] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/external/corert/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/Tasks/Future.cs:496 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult].get_Result () [0x00000] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/build-package-osx-mono/2020-02/external/bockbuild/builds/mono-x64/external/corert/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/Tasks/Future.cs:466 at Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared.TestReporter.get_TestExecutionStarted () [0x00000] in /_/src/Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared/TestReporter.cs:79 at Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared.TestReporter.ParseResult () [0x002d6] in /_/src/Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.iOS.Shared/TestReporter.cs:639 at Xharness.AppRunner.RunAsync () [0x01b78] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/2/s/xamarin-macios/tests/xharness/AppRunner.cs:453 at Xharness.Jenkins.TestTasks.RunSimulator.RunTestAsync () [0x002b1] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/2/s/xamarin-macios/tests/xharness/Jenkins/TestTasks/RunSimulator.cs:128 at Xharness.Jenkins.TestTasks.RunTest.ExecuteAsync () [0x001b9] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/2/s/xamarin-macios/tests/xharness/Jenkins/TestTasks/RunTest.cs:113 at Xharness.Jenkins.TestTasks.TestTasks.RunInternalAsync () [0x0022c] in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/2/s/xamarin-macios/tests/xharness/Jenkins/TestTasks/TestTask.cs:269 ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.<--- )

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests: All 1 tests passed. [attempt 2] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent_binding_projects: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: install_source: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 40 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mac_binding_project: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mmp: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mononative: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mtouch: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: xammac: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: a9727c256e74b918b4f916deb7d5a3789c12f51b [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:rocket: [CI Build] Test results :rocket:

Test results

:white_check_mark: All tests passed on VSTS: simulator tests.

:tada: All 95 tests passed :tada:

Tests counts

:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests: All 1 tests passed. [attempt 2] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent_binding_projects: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: install_source: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 40 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mac_binding_project: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mmp: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mononative: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch: All 29 tests passed. [attempt 3] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: mtouch: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :warning: xammac: No tests selected. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: a9727c256e74b918b4f916deb7d5a3789c12f51b [PR build]