xamarin / xamarin-macios

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[NSUrlSessionHandler] Only update the request's RequestUri if a redirection occurred. Fixes #20629. #20633

Closed rolfbjarne closed 1 month ago

rolfbjarne commented 1 month ago

The logic to update the request's RequestUri is somewhat old:


but it makes sense to do so.

Some testing with a console app, also revealed that a plain .NET does this in case of a redirect:

async static Task Main ()
    var client = new HttpClient () { BaseAddress = new Uri("https://httpbin.org") };
    var request = new HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get,
    Console.WriteLine ($"Request uri 1: {request.RequestUri}");
    var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
    Console.WriteLine ($"Request uri 2: {request.RequestUri}");
    var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    Console.WriteLine ((int) response.StatusCode);


Request uri 1: /redirect-to?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmicrosoft.com&status_code=302&queries[]={}
Request uri 2: https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/

Further looking into .NET's code, SocketsHttpHandler updates RequestUri after following a redirect:


So it seems the expected behavior is to update RequestUri only in case of a redirect.

Now the question becomes: how to detect whether we're a redirect or not? Contrary to SocketsHttpHandler, we don't do the actual redirect, it's handled transparently by NSUrlSession.

Fortunately NSUrlSessionTask has two properties which help: OriginalRequest and CurrentRequest. According to Apple's documentation, these are the same, "except when the server has responded to the initial request with a redirect to a different URL."

This sounds perfect for us, so use these two properties to determine whether a redirect occurred.

Note that we can't use object identity, because these are 'copy' properties, which means they'll never be the same instances, only at most a copy of eachother. So instead compare the AbsoluteString property to check for equality. As far as I'm aware, none of the other properties (request body, headers, cookies, etc.) can be set by the server in a redirect, so there's no need to compare those.

Fixes https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/20629.

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:books: [PR Build] Artifacts :books:

Packages generated

View packages * [xamarin.ios-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/06c526946b6bc2a13677aead1622da5bdec43d30/9617791/package/xamarin.ios- * [xamarin.mac-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/06c526946b6bc2a13677aead1622da5bdec43d30/9617791/package/xamarin.mac-

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS X64 - Mac Sonoma (14) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Monterey (12) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: Unable to find the contents for the comment: D:\a\1\a\change-detection\results\gh-comment.md does not exist :fire

Pipeline on Agent Hash: bf575228ae182b3a527cb91b866c9168dd7ef48d [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

1 tests crashed, 16 tests failed, 153 tests passed.


:x: cecil tests

1 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* Cecil-based tests: TimedOut (Execution timed out after 10 minutes.)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: dotnettests tests (MacCatalyst)

:fire: Failed catastrophically on VSTS: test results - dotnettests_maccatalyst (no summary found).

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (iOS)

4 tests failed, 7 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug: Failed * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk): Failed * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (static registrar): Failed * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Release (all optimizations): Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (tvOS)

4 tests failed, 7 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug: Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk): Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug (static registrar): Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Release (all optimizations): Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (watchOS)

4 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Debug: Failed * monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk): Failed * monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Debug (static registrar): Failed * monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Release (all optimizations): Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: xammac tests

3 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* xammac tests/Mac Modern/Debug: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2937 Passed: 2835 Inconclusive: 9 Failed: 1 Ignored: 101) * xammac tests/Mac Modern/Release: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2934 Passed: 2831 Inconclusive: 9 Failed: 1 Ignored: 102) * xammac tests/Mac Modern/Release (all optimizations): Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2934 Passed: 2833 Inconclusive: 9 Failed: 1 Ignored: 100)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (MacCatalyst): All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (macOS): All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Monterey (12) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [PR Build] Tests on macOS X64 - Mac Sonoma (14) failed :x:

Failed tests are:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

0 tests crashed, 16 tests failed, 154 tests passed.


:x: dotnettests tests (MacCatalyst) [attempt 2]

1 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* DotNet tests: Failed (Execution failed with exit code 1)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (iOS) [attempt 2]

4 tests failed, 7 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug: Failed * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk): Failed * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Debug (static registrar): Failed * monotouch-test/iOS Unified 64-bits - simulator/Release (all optimizations): Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (tvOS) [attempt 2]

4 tests failed, 7 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug: Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk): Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Debug (static registrar): Failed * monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Release (all optimizations): Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (watchOS) [attempt 2]

4 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Debug: Failed * monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Debug (LinkSdk): Failed * monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Debug (static registrar): Failed * monotouch-test/watchOS 32-bits - simulator/Release (all optimizations): Failed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: xammac tests [attempt 2]

3 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* xammac tests/Mac Modern/Debug: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2937 Passed: 2835 Inconclusive: 9 Failed: 1 Ignored: 101) * xammac tests/Mac Modern/Release: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2934 Passed: 2831 Inconclusive: 9 Failed: 1 Ignored: 102) * xammac tests/Mac Modern/Release (all optimizations): Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2934 Passed: 2833 Inconclusive: 9 Failed: 1 Ignored: 100)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. [attempt 2] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (MacCatalyst): All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (macOS): All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:x: [CI Build] Windows Integration Tests failed :x:

:x: Failed :x:

Pipeline on Agent Hash: bf575228ae182b3a527cb91b866c9168dd7ef48d [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:books: [PR Build] Artifacts :books:

Packages generated

View packages * [xamarin.ios-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/f42489b3db5f9f3eaf5afbff60dd7203e87103cb/9622798/package/xamarin.ios- * [xamarin.mac-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/f42489b3db5f9f3eaf5afbff60dd7203e87103cb/9622798/package/xamarin.mac-

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:white_check_mark: API diff for current PR / commit

Legacy Xamarin (No breaking changes) * ~iOS~ (no change detected) * ~tvOS~ (no change detected) * ~watchOS~ (no change detected) * ~macOS~ (no change detected)
NET (empty diffs) * ~iOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~tvOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~MacCatalyst~: (empty diff detected) * ~macOS~: (empty diff detected)

:white_check_mark: API diff vs stable

Legacy Xamarin (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/ios-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/670202a2a5888fa5b7af811db64b7aa0) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/tvos-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/14cd0ab036c73bf63a8196d34064419d) (No breaking changes) * watchOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/watchos-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/8066499629f02926453143eca0ebdff5) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/mac-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/984c249d0f0862048858137ac0f840b6) (No breaking changes)
.NET (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/b979e0985060374067e294fbe6f428db) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/e0d9054918108b06571b225af52e0c51) (No breaking changes) * MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/2883d0262ce45564042e03e4c7613c9d) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/647069bd83d3820f3254fa26adab1e26) (No breaking changes) * Microsoft.iOS vs Microsoft.MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/iOS-MacCatalyst-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/6c6d82f69a15696569b3e01742e3ff8e)
Legacy Xamarin (stable) vs .NET * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/f54389261eed5c0a76f29c64e653b180) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/469a9f879852983cc5d8d775a7334a32) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.11/9622798-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/a21731ad1833e55993e0f7245ef1b4a4)

:information_source: Generator diff

Generator Diff: vsdrops (html) vsdrops (raw diff) gist (raw diff) - Please review changes)

Pipeline on Agent Hash: 351f416f4846ebaa2f0dc49a0e319e1a0945033d [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

:x: Build failure :x:

Build result: Failed

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:books: [PR Build] Artifacts :books:

Packages generated

View packages * [xamarin.ios-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/f21f7594369b0831bb096a4a1ba56588d7e22eb5/9624095/package/xamarin.ios- * [xamarin.mac-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/f21f7594369b0831bb096a4a1ba56588d7e22eb5/9624095/package/xamarin.mac-

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS X64 - Mac Sonoma (14) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS X64 - Mac Sonoma (14) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Monterey (12) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Monterey (12) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [CI Build] Windows Integration Tests passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All Windows Integration Tests passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: f46bda8a56a03bb5aa3213fb72e80ec4c349047d [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:white_check_mark: API diff for current PR / commit

Legacy Xamarin (No breaking changes) * ~iOS~ (no change detected) * ~tvOS~ (no change detected) * ~watchOS~ (no change detected) * ~macOS~ (no change detected)
NET (empty diffs) * ~iOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~tvOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~MacCatalyst~: (empty diff detected) * ~macOS~: (empty diff detected)

:white_check_mark: API diff vs stable

Legacy Xamarin (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/ios-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/de3aae3f24ef5265ce4eea1249fce25b) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/tvos-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/11028c0bb618ad162bb62606752ef067) (No breaking changes) * watchOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/watchos-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/8485e45f4385eda45ebd40a98f7b3984) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/mac-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/f20d45e6d410d76e96d70764c706ec98) (No breaking changes)
.NET (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/d9bdd0fe25b451fdaa986e698ffac671) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/b34f783a9905e0d1e8ff7fe0e62aaf9b) (No breaking changes) * MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/aaa6958e01f5b94b4adb3cc4e566ffa1) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/69014eeccefb1bec25c04ce3f47dce99) (No breaking changes) * Microsoft.iOS vs Microsoft.MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/iOS-MacCatalyst-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/d2a56c88937d05c7f98ad1b7134f1fe2)
Legacy Xamarin (stable) vs .NET * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/0e26b82184f3dc6662be653ec3e0c217) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/f13fa8c68c4a33260e1ba8575a1098c0) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240523.23/9624095-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/921294c04a953549e95ba6e5498691c6)

:information_source: Generator diff

Generator Diff: vsdrops (html) vsdrops (raw diff) gist (raw diff) - Please review changes)

Pipeline on Agent Hash: f46bda8a56a03bb5aa3213fb72e80ec4c349047d [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

0 tests crashed, 8 tests failed, 162 tests passed.


:x: monotouch tests (MacCatalyst)

7 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2987 Passed: 2863 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 123) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2854 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 129) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2846 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 137) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2846 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 137) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2850 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 133) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2862 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 121) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2850 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 133)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (macOS)

1 tests failed, 7 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: TimedOut (Execution timed out after 1200 seconds. Test run crashed)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (MacCatalyst): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (iOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (tvOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (watchOS): All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xammac: All 3 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

0 tests crashed, 15 tests failed, 155 tests passed.


:x: monotouch tests (MacCatalyst) [attempt 2]

7 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2987 Passed: 2863 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 123) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2854 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 129) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2846 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 137) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2846 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 137) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2850 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 133) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2862 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 121) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2850 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 133)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (macOS) [attempt 2]

8 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2870 Passed: 2774 Inconclusive: 5 Failed: 1 Ignored: 95) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2866 Passed: 2761 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 104) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2771 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 95) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2866 Passed: 2761 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 104) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (MacCatalyst): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (iOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (tvOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (watchOS): All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xammac: All 3 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

0 tests crashed, 15 tests failed, 155 tests passed.


:x: monotouch tests (MacCatalyst) [attempt 3]

7 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2987 Passed: 2863 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 123) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2854 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 129) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2846 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 137) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2846 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 137) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2850 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 133) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2862 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 121) * monotouch-test/Mac Catalyst [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2984 Passed: 2850 Inconclusive: 10 Failed: 1 Ignored: 133)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (macOS) [attempt 3]

8 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2870 Passed: 2775 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 94) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2866 Passed: 2761 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 104) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2771 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 95) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2866 Passed: 2761 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 104) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (MacCatalyst): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (iOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (tvOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (watchOS): All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xammac: All 3 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

1 tests crashed, 8 tests failed, 155 tests passed.


:x: monotouch tests (MacCatalyst)

:fire: Failed catastrophically on VSTS: test results - monotouch_maccatalyst (no summary found).

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (macOS) [attempt 4]

8 tests failed, 0 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2870 Passed: 2775 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 94) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2866 Passed: 2761 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 104) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2771 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 95) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (NativeAOT) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2866 Passed: 2761 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 104) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Debug (managed static registrar) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93) * monotouch-test/Mac [dotnet]/Release (managed static registrar, all optimizations) [dotnet]: Failed (Test run failed. Tests run: 2867 Passed: 2773 Inconclusive: 4 Failed: 1 Ignored: 93)

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (MacCatalyst): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (iOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (tvOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (watchOS): All 4 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xammac: All 3 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:books: [PR Build] Artifacts :books:

Packages generated

View packages * [xamarin.ios-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/6a11cf7b920b7e52d77bf8da4c8eb45889927e46/9639961/package/xamarin.ios- * [xamarin.mac-](https://dl.internalx.com/wrench/merge/6a11cf7b920b7e52d77bf8da4c8eb45889927e46/9639961/package/xamarin.mac-

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS X64 - Mac Sonoma (14) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS X64 - Mac Sonoma (14) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Ventura (13) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Monterey (12) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Monterey (12) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [CI Build] Windows Integration Tests passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All Windows Integration Tests passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: bb516ff90751863a490d5914a7224f2bc7bfb837 [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:computer: [PR Build] Tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11) passed :computer:

:white_check_mark: All tests on macOS M1 - Mac Big Sur (11) passed.

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:white_check_mark: API diff for current PR / commit

Legacy Xamarin (No breaking changes) * ~iOS~ (no change detected) * ~tvOS~ (no change detected) * ~watchOS~ (no change detected) * ~macOS~ (no change detected)
NET (empty diffs) * ~iOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~tvOS~: (empty diff detected) * ~MacCatalyst~: (empty diff detected) * ~macOS~: (empty diff detected)

:white_check_mark: API diff vs stable

Legacy Xamarin (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/ios-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/022a7b24c40cd07db06bf579180ebac4) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/tvos-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/1ed82390d086d16821a34d0f33e02b98) (No breaking changes) * watchOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/watchos-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/04c960fe0a74a38f287f01560910faaf) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/mac-api-diff.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/1a601b4e66601e567f5977a72b318a34) (No breaking changes)
.NET (No breaking changes) * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/ccad71e3fa6650d2c83d21becbfedd14) (No breaking changes) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/87e171ac99a34a87187d56816ce07f77) (No breaking changes) * MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/3ad98cf1acffb17523742df788408b3f) (No breaking changes) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/a8e7365043173cb3527c0f91c222868a) (No breaking changes) * Microsoft.iOS vs Microsoft.MacCatalyst: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/iOS-MacCatalyst-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.MacCatalyst.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/d04016982a277316b9af9184f3882b9f)
Legacy Xamarin (stable) vs .NET * iOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.iOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.iOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/85fe6f4c0ef1e342364831f30f0b24ce) * tvOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.tvOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.tvOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/ce143ba661c6512e5b6d9db37e45e95a) * macOS: [vsdrops](https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/xamarin-macios/detected-changes/20240528.8/9639961-1/;/stable-api-comparison/diff/dotnet/legacy-diff/Microsoft.macOS.Ref/ref/net8.0/Microsoft.macOS.html) [gist](https://gist.github.com/vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2/5e73f8dab03ec932274378af92fe2588)

:information_source: Generator diff

Generator Diff: vsdrops (html) vsdrops (raw diff) gist (raw diff) - Please review changes)

Pipeline on Agent Hash: bb516ff90751863a490d5914a7224f2bc7bfb837 [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:fire: [CI Build] Test results :fire:

Test results

:x: Tests failed on VSTS: test results

2 tests crashed, 1 tests failed, 164 tests passed.


:x: dotnettests tests (iOS)

:fire: Failed catastrophically on VSTS: test results - dotnettests_ios (no summary found).

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (tvOS)

1 tests failed, 10 tests passed.
* monotouch-test/tvOS - simulator/Release (NativeAOT, x64) [dotnet]: Crashed

Html Report (VSDrops) Download

:x: monotouch tests (watchOS)

:fire: Failed catastrophically on VSTS: test results - monotouch_watchos (no summary found).

Html Report (VSDrops) Download


:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (MacCatalyst): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (iOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (MacCatalyst): All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (macOS): All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xammac: All 3 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]

vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 commented 1 month ago

:rocket: [CI Build] Test results :rocket:

Test results

:white_check_mark: All tests passed on VSTS: test results.

:tada: All 170 tests passed :tada:

Tests counts

:white_check_mark: cecil: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (iOS): All 1 tests passed. [attempt 2] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (MacCatalyst): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (macOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (Multiple platforms): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: dotnettests (tvOS): All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: framework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: fsharp: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: generator: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: install-source: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: interdependent-binding-projects: All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: introspection: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: linker: All 65 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mac-binding-project: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mmp: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mononative: All 6 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (iOS): All 11 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (MacCatalyst): All 7 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (macOS): All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (tvOS): All 11 tests passed. [attempt 2] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: monotouch (watchOS): All 4 tests passed. [attempt 2] Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: msbuild: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: mtouch: All 1 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xammac: All 3 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xcframework: All 8 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download :white_check_mark: xtro: All 2 tests passed. Html Report (VSDrops) Download

Pipeline on Agent Hash: [PR build]