Closed dan-rigdon-bel closed 4 years ago
We might just have to make 3a7bdc0a13da3978d73a2838637d94ac9446494d work for binding projects as well.
So, is there any temporary solution instead of waiting for the next release?
I am getting the following error on another binding project
Error CS1069: The type name 'RectangleF' could not be found in the namespace 'System.Drawing'. This type has been forwarded to assembly 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' Consider adding a reference to that assembly. (CS1069)
@Premierapp have you tried adding a reference to System.Drawing.Common in your binding project?
System.Drawing.Color forwards to System.Drawing.Common in Xamarin.iOS.ObjCBinding.CSharp.targets with Xamarin.iOS
NOTE: This error does not appear to be the case with Library targets, but only Binding targets.
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior
The project builds without errors (except perhaps a missing librhino3dmio_native error; which is expected if that has not yet been built).
Actual Behavior
The following error is reported:
Build Logs
Example Project (If Possible)