Open TorutheRedFox opened 2 years ago
// Standard Effect
#include "global.h"
shared float4x4 cmWorldView : cmWorldView; //WORLDVIEW
shared float4x4 cmWorldMat : cmWorldMat; //local to world matrix
shared float3 cvLocalEyePos : cvLocalEyePos; //LOCALEYEPOS;
shared float4 cvTextureOffset : cvTextureOffset; //TEXTUREANIMOFFSET;
shared float cfBrightness : cfBrightness; //STANDARD_BRIGHTNESS
shared float4 cvLocalCenter : cvLocalCenter; //LOCALCENTER;
shared float4 cvBaseAlphaRef : cvBaseAlphaRef; //BASEALPHAREF;
shared float4 cvBlurParams : cvBlurParams; //IS_MOTIONBLUR_VIGNETTED;
shared float4 cmPrevWorldViewProj : cmPrevWorldViewProj; //BASEALPHAREF;
//shared float4 cfSplitScreenUVScale : cfSplitScreenUVScale; // PC edit - no splitscreen yet
shared float cfMipMapBias : cfMipMapBias;
shared float cfFogEnable : cfFogEnable;
shared float4 cvFogColour : cvFogColour;
shared float4 cvFogValue : cvFogValue;
static const float FuzzWidth = 0.15f;//0.05f;//changed from 0.05 to 0.15 by Lee Rosenbaum Aug 23, 2006;
static const float MaxParticleSize = 0.75f;
static const float MaterialShininess = 10;
// Pro-Street these should not change much at all (its the sun)
//float4 cvLightColour;
float4 cavLightColours[10] : cavLightColours;// PC / Carbon edit - it uses arrays
//float4 cvLightPosition;
float4 cavLightPositions[10] : cavLightPositions;
// these should be artist controlled
float3 ambient_colour = float3(0.72,0.8,0.9); // PC edit - PC version has it in a variable, not a static definition...
//#define ambient_colour ( float3(0.72,0.8,0.9) )
float magnitude_debug = 1.0;
sampler MISCMAP1_SAMPLER = sampler_state // backbuffer for screen distortion
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;
sampler OPACITY_SAMPLER = sampler_state // rain alpha texture
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;
DECLARE_TEXTURE(DIFFUSEMAP_TEXTURE) // PC edit - these NEED to be here for the shader to work!
sampler DIFFUSE_SAMPLER = sampler_state
AddressU = WRAP;
AddressV = WRAP;
sampler NORMALMAP_SAMPLER = sampler_state
AddressU = WRAP;
AddressV = WRAP;
sampler HEIGHTMAP_SAMPLER = sampler_state
struct VS_INPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD;
float4 size : TEXCOORD1;
//int4 light_index : BLENDINDICES;
int4 light_index : TEXCOORD2;
struct VtoP_NormalMapped
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float3 lightColor : COLOR1;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float4 tex1 : TEXCOORD1;
// vector from the vertex to the light, in tangent space
float3 to_light_tan : TEXCOORD2;
// Half-angle vector, needed for per-pixel specular, in tangent space
//float3 half_angle_tan : TEXCOORD3;
float4 position2 : TEXCOORD3;
struct VtoP
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float4 tex1 : TEXCOORD1;
struct PS_OUTPUT
float4 color : COLOR0;
struct VtoP_Depth
float4 position : POSITION;
float dist : COLOR0;
float3x3 BuildRotate(float angle, float3 rotAxis)
float3x3 m;
// float fSin = sin(angle);
// float fCos = cos(angle);
float2 sc;
float3 axis = normalize(rotAxis);
float3 cosAxis = (1.0f - sc.y) * axis;
float3 sinAxis = sc.x * axis;
m[0] = cosAxis.x * axis;
m[1] = cosAxis.y * axis;
m[2] = cosAxis.z * axis;
m[0][0] += sc.y;
m[0][1] += sinAxis.z;
m[0][2] -= sinAxis.y;
m[1][0] -= sinAxis.z;
m[1][1] += sc.y;
m[1][2] += sinAxis.x;
m[2][0] += sinAxis.y;
m[2][1] -= sinAxis.x;
m[2][2] += sc.y;
return m;
VtoP_NormalMapped vertex_shader_particles(const VS_INPUT IN)
VtoP_NormalMapped OUT;
// Offset the vertex by the particle size
float3 right = cmWorldView._m00_m10_m20;
float3 up = cmWorldView._m01_m11_m21;
float3 facing = cmWorldView._m02_m12_m22;
// Rotate the up and right around the facing
float angle = IN.size.z;
if( angle > 0 )
float3x3 rotation = BuildRotate(angle, facing);
right = mul(right, rotation);
up = mul(up, rotation);
// Add offset from particle midpoint to the outside vertices
float4 pv = IN.position;
float3 offset = right * IN.size.x + up * IN.size.y; += offset;
// Cap the screen size of any particle
float4 worldCornerPos = pv;
pv = world_position(pv);
float3 pvn =;
float4 pc = world_position(IN.position);
float3 pcn =;
float size = distance(pvn.xy,pcn.xy);
float new_size = min(size, MaxParticleSize);
float scale = new_size/size;
pv = lerp(pc,pv,scale);
// Each particle is affected by one light in the light array
// Read which one it is:
int lightIndex = IN.light_index.x;
//float3 lightPos =;
float3 lightPos = cavLightPositions[lightIndex].xyz; // PC edit - it uses arrays
float3 worldPos = mul(IN.position, cmWorldMat);
float3 toLightSource = normalize(lightPos - worldPos);
// Create the matrix which transforms from world space to tangent space
float3 tangent = right;
float3 binormal = up;
float3 normal = -facing;
float3x3 matTSpace = transpose(float3x3( tangent, binormal, normal ));
OUT.to_light_tan = mul(toLightSource, matTSpace);
float3 toEyeWorld = normalize(cvLocalEyePos - worldPos);
float3 toEyeTan = mul(toEyeWorld, matTSpace);
// Calculate the half-angle vector for per-pixel specular (maybe this is overkill for particles)
//OUT.half_angle_tan = (toEyeTan + OUT.to_light_tan) * 0.5;
float3 lightColour = cavLightColours[lightIndex].xyz; // PC edit - it uses arrays
//OUT.lightColor = 1;//lightColour;
OUT.lightColor = lightColour;
OUT.position = OUT.position2 = pv;
OUT.color = saturate(IN.color * 2);
// *=;
OUT.tex = IN.tex + cvTextureOffset;
// Convert from screen space (-1 to 1) to texture coordinate space (0.0 to 1.0)
float distance = pv.z / pv.w;
OUT.tex1.x = (0.5 * pv.x / pv.w) + 0.5;
OUT.tex1.y = (-0.5 * pv.y / pv.w) + 0.5;
//OUT.tex1.y *= cfSplitScreenUVScale[1]; // Split screen adjustment // PC edit - no splitscreen yet
//OUT.tex1.y += cfSplitScreenUVScale[0]; // Split screen adjustment
// Distance to the pixel in the depth buffer
OUT.tex1.z = distance;
// We cannot use FuzzWidth directly because we are performing these operations in the depth buffer.
// FuzzWidth is the amount of play that the sprites have with opaque objects. If a sprite is within FuzzWidth of an Opaque object
// the sprite will get blurred, fading it in nicely with the opaque object and smoothing the harsh edges out
// Since Ztesting is off, it also controls whether or not we see the sprite if an opaque object is behind it
// We need to scale FuzzWidth down if the sprite is near the back of the depth buffer. For instance, FuzzWidth could correspond to 1 cm
// at the start of the depth buffer, but it could be 100 meters at the end of it
// Calculate the distance from the particle to the camera in world coordinates
OUT.tex1.w = length(cvLocalEyePos - IN.position) ;
return OUT;
PS_OUTPUT pixel_shader_particles(const VtoP_NormalMapped IN)
float shadow = 1;//DoShadow( IN.shadowTex, 1 ) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float4 baseColour = tex2D(DIFFUSE_SAMPLER, IN.tex) * IN.color;
float depth = tex2D(HEIGHTMAP_SAMPLER, IN.tex1.xy).x;
float zFar = 10000;
float zNear = 0.5;
float Q = zFar / (zFar - zNear);
float zDist = (-Q * zNear / (depth - Q));
float depthBufferDistToParticle = IN.position2.z / IN.position2.w;
float distanceToParticle = (-Q * zNear / (depthBufferDistToParticle - Q));
float distanceBetweenParticleAndGround = abs(zDist - distanceToParticle);
float fuzzz = saturate(distanceBetweenParticleAndGround * 1);
//fuzzz = 1;
// calculate the normal map
float3 normal = tex2D(NORMALMAP_SAMPLER, IN.tex) * 2 - 1;
normal = normal * magnitude_debug ;
// Apply diffuse lighting
float3 toLight = normalize(IN.to_light_tan);
float nDotL = saturate(dot(normal, toLight));
float3 diffuseColour = nDotL * IN.lightColor;
// = 1;
// specular calculations
//float3 half_angle = normalize(IN.half_angle_tan);
//float nDotH = saturate(dot(normal, half_angle));
//float3 MaterialSpecular = float3(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
//float3 specular = MaterialSpecular * pow(nDotH, MaterialShininess);
OUT.color.rgb = fuzzz * shadow * baseColour * (ambient_colour + diffuseColour);// + specular);
OUT.color.a = baseColour.a * shadow * fuzzz;
//OUT.color.rgb = CompressColourSpace(OUT.color.rgb); // PC edit - we don't really need this here
return OUT;
technique fuzzz <int shader = 1;>
pass p0
FogEnable = (cfFogEnable);
FogColor = (cvFogColour);
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vertex_shader_particles();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pixel_shader_particles();
technique no_fuzzz <int shader = 1; >
pass p0
FogEnable = (cfFogEnable);
FogColor = (cvFogColour);
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vertex_shader_particles();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pixel_shader_particles();
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD;
float4 size : TEXCOORD1;
struct VtoP_FLARES
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float4 tex1 : TEXCOORD1;
VtoP_FLARES vertex_shader_flares(const VS_INPUT_FLARES IN)
// Offset the vertex by the particle size
float3 right = cmWorldView._m00_m10_m20;
float3 up = cmWorldView._m01_m11_m21;
float3 facing = cmWorldView._m02_m12_m22;
float isTrailFlare = IN.size.w;
float angle = IN.size.z;
// Rotate the up and right around the facing
if( angle > 0 )
float3x3 rotation = BuildRotate(angle, facing);
right = mul(right, rotation);
up = mul(up, rotation);
float4 pv = IN.position; += right * IN.size.x + up * IN.size.y;
// Cap the screen size of any particle
pv = world_position(pv);
OUT.position = pv;
OUT.color = IN.color;
OUT.tex = IN.tex;
OUT.tex.w = cfMipMapBias; // bias the mipmapping
// OUT.tex1 = IN.size;
// Convert from screen space (-1 to 1) to texture coordinate space (0.0 to 1.0)
float distance = pv.z / pv.w;
OUT.tex1.x = (0.5 * pv.x / pv.w) + 0.5;
OUT.tex1.y = (-0.5 * pv.y / pv.w) + 0.5;
OUT.tex1.z = distance; // Distance to the pixel in the depth buffer
//OUT.tex1.y *= cfSplitScreenUVScale[1]; // Split screen adjustment
//OUT.tex1.y += cfSplitScreenUVScale[0]; // Split screen adjustment
// We cannot use FuzzWidth directly because we are performing these operations in the depth buffer.
// FuzzWidth is the amount of play that the sprites have with opaque objects. If a sprite is within FuzzWidth of an Opaque object
// the sprite will get blurred, fading it in nicely with the opaque object and smoothing the harsh edges out
// Since Ztesting is off, it also controls whether or not we see the sprite if an opaque object is behind it
// We need to scale FuzzWidth down if the sprite is near the back of the depth buffer. For instance, FuzzWidth could correspond to 1 cm
// at the start of the depth buffer, but it could be 100 meters at the end of it
OUT.tex1.w = saturate(FuzzWidth + distance * (-FuzzWidth));
return OUT;
float4 pixel_shader_flares(const VtoP_FLARES IN) : COLOR
float4 diffuse = tex2Dbias(DIFFUSE_SAMPLER, IN.tex);
float scaled_fuzz_width = IN.tex1.w;
float depth = tex2D(HEIGHTMAP_SAMPLER,IN.tex1.xy).x;
float fuzzz = saturate((scaled_fuzz_width*0.4 - (IN.tex1.z - depth)) / (scaled_fuzz_width));
float4 result;
result = diffuse;
result *= IN.color;//*cvBaseAlphaRef.y;
// Apply a tone mapping to fake a HDR = / (;
// = pow(, 1.5)*1.5;
// = result.x > 0.95 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// cvBaseAlphaRef.x is set to 0 in players views so the fuzzz used and 1 to disable the fuzz
result.w *= saturate(cvBaseAlphaRef.x + fuzzz);
// = fuzzz;//(scaled_fuzz_width - (IN.tex1.z - depth)) / FuzzWidth;
//result.w = 1;
// = CompressColourSpace(;
return result;
technique flares <int shader = 1; >
pass p0
FogEnable = (cfFogEnable);
FogColor = (cvFogColour);
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vertex_shader_flares();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pixel_shader_flares();
struct VtoP_SFLARES
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
VtoP_SFLARES vertex_shader_streak_flares(const VS_INPUT_FLARES IN)
// Offset the vertex by the particle size
float3 right = cmWorldView._m00_m10_m20;
float3 up = cmWorldView._m01_m11_m21;
float3 facing = cmWorldView._m02_m12_m22;
float doStreakFlare = IN.size.w;
float4 pv = IN.position;
float4 vertexColour = IN.color;
float4 tex = IN.tex;
if( doStreakFlare > 0 )
//float cameraSpeed = cvBaseAlphaRef.y * 75.0;
float cameraSpeed = cvBaseAlphaRef.y;
float nosAmount = cvBaseAlphaRef.w;
// Add some speed for NOS
cameraSpeed += nosAmount*20;
// Flare is stretch to create a flare trail for Sense of Speed
float4 currFramePos = mul(IN.position, cmWorldViewProj);
// Redice length if camera veleocity is off centre in the x direction
cameraSpeed = lerp(cameraSpeed, 0, saturate(abs(cvBaseAlphaRef.x)/0.05));
//cameraSpeed = lerp(cameraSpeed, 0, saturate(abs(barx)/0.05));
float4 prevFramePos = currFramePos; += 3 + saturate(cameraSpeed / 140) * 45; // Stretch flare back
currFramePos += normalize(currFramePos - prevFramePos) * 10; // Stretch flare forward
// Build the poly
float3 prevFrameDir = -;
float offsetWidth = min(abs(IN.size.x), abs(IN.size.y));
offsetWidth *= 0.2;
float4 currFrameOffset = mul(IN.position + float4(offsetWidth, offsetWidth, offsetWidth, 0), cmWorldViewProj);
float currFrameSize = distance(currFrameOffset.xy, currFramePos.xy);
float3 prevFrameDirTanget = normalize(prevFrameDir);
// Rotate by 90 degrees to get tangent
prevFrameDirTanget.xy = prevFrameDirTanget.yx;
prevFrameDirTanget.x = -prevFrameDirTanget.x;
prevFrameDirTanget *= currFrameSize;
// Push the tex coord futher along the streak for longer streaks
float texUlength = saturate(length(; // 0.3
tex.x = IN.size.x > 0 ? 1/256 : texUlength;
tex.y = IN.size.y > 0 ? cvBaseAlphaRef.z : cvBaseAlphaRef.z + 15.0f / 128.0f; // The v texcoord is calc in on the CPU
tex.z = IN.size.x > 0 ? 0 : 1;
// Cap the screen size of any particle
pv = world_position(pv); // BUG - IF THIS ISNT HERE ITS NOT IN THE CAMERA
pv = IN.size.x > 0 ? currFramePos : prevFramePos;
// Adjust brightness for lower/higher speeds
vertexColour *= saturate(cameraSpeed / 95);
// Add the offset to create width for the streak along the tangent
pv.xy += sign(IN.size.y) * prevFrameDirTanget;
//pv.z = 1;
// Push offscreen to clip
pv = 1000;
OUT.position = pv;
OUT.color = vertexColour; // BUG - ITS TRANSPARENT ON PC -- cameraSpeed is INCORRECT - this needs to be figured out!
OUT.tex = tex;
OUT.tex.w = -5; // bias the mipmapping
//OUT.color = IN.color; // uncomment this to make them render always
return OUT;
float4 pixel_shader_streak_flares(const VtoP_SFLARES IN) : COLOR
float4 result = tex2Dbias(DIFFUSE_SAMPLER, IN.tex);;
result *= IN.color;
return result;
technique streak_flares <int shader = 1;>
pass p0
FogEnable = (cfFogEnable);
FogColor = (cvFogColour);
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vertex_shader_streak_flares();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pixel_shader_streak_flares();
// Onscreen rain particle effect
struct VtoP_RAIN
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
VtoP_RAIN vertex_shader_passthru(const VS_INPUT IN)
OUT.position = screen_position(IN.position);
OUT.position.w = 1.0f;
OUT.tex = IN.tex;
return OUT;
float4 pixel_shader_onscreen_distort(const VtoP_RAIN IN) : COLOR0
float4 distortion = tex2D(DIFFUSE_SAMPLER, IN.tex);
float2 offset = * + cvLocalCenter.rg;
float4 background = tex2D(MISCMAP1_SAMPLER, offset);
// The opacity map has four different raindrop texture tiled horizontally. The
// offset into this texure is stored in cvBaseAlphaRef.y
offset = IN.tex;
offset.x = cvBaseAlphaRef.y + IN.tex.x*0.25;
float4 opacity = tex2D(OPACITY_SAMPLER, offset);
float4 result;
result = background * opacity.y;
result.w = opacity.r * cvBaseAlphaRef.x;
//result = opacity;
return result;
technique onscreen_distort <int shader = 1;>
pass p0
FogEnable = (cfFogEnable);
FogColor = (cvFogColour);
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vertex_shader_passthru();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 pixel_shader_onscreen_distort();
//#include "ZPrePass_fx.h" // PC edit - no need for ZPrePass - PC renderer doesn't use it
it's lowkey hard to see when it's not moving
but then again, so is rain at night irl
It's easy to amplify its colors (just scale the input color by 2 or something).
This is exactly why I made a custom technique for rain particles. They inherit the color of the fog by default, which they shouldn't do at all. Maybe it is because I didn't add those vars, indeed.
So if you want to test this all out, use my custom Reshade build to test out fog and rain.
You'll see if you assign the raindrop
technique with the shader from fuzzz
, it just inherits the colors, which it shouldn't do. So if adding these vars fixes it, then I can remove the custom technique altogether.
I don't have much time to test this out right now so it'll have to wait from my end.
the rain is hard to see in a screenshot but when it's moving it looks identical to how it does on PC with vanilla shader and how I remember it looking on PS3
excuse the lag lol, macbook getting kinda toasty
YT compression doesn't do it justice either it seems lol
NFSC on PC controls fog using the cvFogEnable (assigned to FogEnable in pass), cvFogColour (assigned to FogColor in pass) and cvFogValue (dunno what it's assigned to yet)
adding this to the techniques brings the raindrops in line with how they look with the vanilla shader without using the special technique workaround