Closed TheGreenNickel closed 2 years ago
Could you list the mods + versions you are using
Could you list the mods + versions you are using
Yeah. It's a long list, so I didn't add it to the original thread, but here:
These mods were all loaded on Fabric Loader 0.13.3-1.18.1.
ok, thanks i'll try replicate it and report back asap
Its an error to do with load order. When I load my test world I get this _Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Alloy Forgery, DragonLoot, ExpertArmor, Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), Mythic Metals), minecraft/eamodcompat
When I load a new world it does this _Reloading ResourceManager: Default, minecraft/eamodcompat, Fabric Mods (Alloy Forgery, DragonLoot, ExpertArmor, Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), Mythic Metals)
Notice eamodcompat is last on my test world. I created a new save on my test install and it incorrectly loads it early, im surprised nobody else has raised this!
Investigating as to why the load order has suddenly broken/changed as resource packs should always be last.
Is this issue still being worked on? I'm having the same experience with all mods that are currently included on the curse forge page under 'optional dependencies'
1.18 no longer supported. tested working fine in 1.19
mods are required on both server & client for it to function as intended.
I've been working on a modpack for a series, and it includes this mod. I also happen to be using Mythic Metals, Dragon Loot and Advanced Netherite, all of which are listed as being compatible with Expert Armor. However, when I enter a world, the recipes are still the same as normal, instead of the modified ones created by this mod. The metal plates are still available as items, which means that the mods are working together to an extent, but the recipes themselves are still all ingots. When I was first using the mod in my pack, it was working, but it stopped after that. I then undid every mod install I've made since adding Expert Armor, but it's still giving me the all-ingot recipes.