I'm running 8.2 with current updates, but that config update didn't make it yet.
# multipathd show config
doesn't show it yet, so when will it make it? The 2050 is rather old by now and even the 2060 isn't 'fresh'.
(I've installed the sm-patch with CHV before and it also didn't appear under 8.2 CU1)
I've seen that multipath/multipath.conf got a few upgrades. https://github.com/xapi-project/sm/commit/d732cf1ae7e7914d4dde2dd6858bf0718afae44e is the one that would affect us to properly an MSA 2060 FC / SAN.
I'm running 8.2 with current updates, but that config update didn't make it yet.
# multipathd show config
doesn't show it yet, so when will it make it? The 2050 is rather old by now and even the 2060 isn't 'fresh'.(I've installed the sm-patch with CHV before and it also didn't appear under 8.2 CU1)