xapi-project / xen-api

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CI: Fall back to codecov@v3 when @v4 has no token, add coveralls #5743

Closed bernhardkaindl closed 1 week ago

bernhardkaindl commented 1 week ago

The merge of #5734 on master (merge commit on master: https://github.com/xapi-project/xen-api/commit/5bd9b86b30c9c02d3b702b45194fd5943e8ca10a) uses OpenID Connect (OIDC) to have a token-based coverage upload to Codecov.

But because OpenID Connect is only available for builds from users that use OIDC:

Docs on the Codecov action and using OIDC: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/codecov#using-oidc

The most reliable way to upload to codecov.io is codecov@v4 with the CODECOV_TOKEN secret.

Without that hurdle jumped, we only have the option of fallbacks:

This PR implements all these fallbacks. These are useful for the xapi-project/xen-api and for working on and with forks.

If xapi-project/xen-api adopts the setup of the CODECOV_TOKEN, also forks of it would use it. GitHub is trusted to protect the tokens like it it is trusted with all other GitHub action secrets.

psafont commented 1 week ago

I'd rather revert the change that introduced v4, or use coveralls rather than adding this much complexity. Is coveralls more stable than codecov?

lindig commented 1 week ago

I agree with Pau; complexity in these nice-to-have features will cause breakage down the line that will be expensive to fix.

psafont commented 1 week ago

coveralls works well to upload coverage for both python versions: https://coveralls.io/builds/68333955