xarial / xcad

Framework for developing CAD applications for SOLIDWORKS, including add-ins, stand-alone applications, macro features, property manager pages, etc.
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A sketchpoint issue #116

Open Brent-bai opened 8 months ago

Brent-bai commented 8 months ago
Point point = new Point(X,Y,0.0);
swSketchPoint = (ISwSketchPoint)sketch2D.Entities.PreCreatePoint();
swSketchPoint.Coordinate = point;

This code cause sw app crashing with no reason. I change the code to solidworks api as below:

SketchManager swSketchMgr = (SketchManager)swModel.SketchManager;
Sketch swSketch = swSketchMgr.ActiveSketch;
swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(x, y, 0.0);

It also cause the app crashing. The CreatPoint() throw a exception: "This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.” I ask the ChatGpt, it changed the code to:

SketchManager swSketchMgr = (SketchManager)swModel.SketchManager;
Sketch swSketch = swSketchMgr.ActiveSketch;
swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(x, y, 0.0);

I noticed the code adding a SetAddToDB() method, and it worked. I wonder that xcad.net api having considered this issue.

Brent-bai commented 8 months ago

I create a minium environment, only click a command to run above function, they all work well. In my code, first creat a sketch, then click a command to start a poperty manager page, as I click one button of the page to run the first code above, the sw app crashed. It seemes sw crashing when returning to my command page. Then I add the AddHorizontalDimension2() to the third code above, the sw app crashed again. It is highly suspected that a memory access issue occurred when the sketching tool's property manager switched back to my property manager page.

Brent-bai commented 8 months ago

I'm sure it does cause by my pmp closing when sketchtool raising. This command may not use pmp.

Brent-bai commented 8 months ago

There is a constance "OPTS_DEFAULT" in internal Show() which in Internal class PropertyManagerPagePage of Xarial.XCad.SolidWorks.UI.PropertyPage.Toolkit.Controls, it allow the other page to be a StackPage. Make it to a page attribute may resolve this issue.

artem1t commented 8 months ago

Yes, that makes sense to add an option to have StackPage. I will add one.

Regarding the sketch. Yes, AddToDB is used: https://github.com/xarial/xcad/blob/!dev/src/SolidWorks/Sketch/SwSketchEntityCollection.cs#L73C2-L89

But if I am not mistaken this was added into the pre-release version (e.g. 8.X and not available in 7.X)

Brent-bai commented 7 months ago

I have changed "OPTS_DEFAULT = 1", it does not worked. The property manager page will not being closed when I click the OK or Cancle button. Here is my sample code: SketchCreateTest.zip

Brent-bai commented 7 months ago

I used lockedPage attribue ([PageOptions(PageOptions_e.LockedPage)]) option to resolve the problem, avoiding the crashing of sw when inserting a point and adding dimension. But unfortunately in this option, the SelectById2 method will not work. Because some sketch points are com_object, it can not use Select4 method to select the point. It seems I have tried all the way, but I can't find the right answer.