xarial / xcad

Framework for developing CAD applications for SOLIDWORKS, including add-ins, stand-alone applications, macro features, property manager pages, etc.
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Trying to run in .net Core 3.1 cannot find System.Drawing.Common #2

Closed emersonbottero closed 4 years ago

emersonbottero commented 4 years ago

XCad.AddIn.RK Automação: Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. The system cannot find the file specified. at Xarial.XCad.SolidWorks.UI.Commands.SwCommandManager.CreateIcons(CommandGroup cmdGroup, CommandGroupSpec cmdBar, IconsConverter iconsConv) at Xarial.XCad.SolidWorks.UI.Commands.SwCommandManager.AddCommandGroupOrContextMenu(CommandGroupSpec cmdBar, Boolean isContextMenu, Nullable`1 contextMenuSelectType) at Xarial.XCad.SolidWorks.UI.Commands.SwCommandManager.AddCommandGroup(CommandGroupSpec cmdBar) at Xarial.XCad.UI.Commands.IXCommandManagerExtension.AddCommandGroup[TCmdEnum](IXCommandManager cmdMgr) at RK.SWAddin.SwAddIn.OnConnect() in C:\Users\emers\Source\Repos\RK.SWAddin\RK.SWAddin\SWAddin.cs:line 41 at Xarial.XCad.SolidWorks.SwAddInEx.ConnectToSW(Object ThisSW, Int32 cookie)

emersonbottero commented 4 years ago

I downloaded your example SqlDbEfNetCore and it works fine.

emersonbottero commented 4 years ago

I changed the Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop" and it Worked. Maybe we should have an Template with all the necessary settings

artem1t commented 4 years ago

I agree with the template. Currently, it is mentioned in the docs, but only as a recommendation (need to change this as well).

artem1t commented 4 years ago

Updated documentation to insist of setting this option