xarial / xcad

Framework for developing CAD applications for SOLIDWORKS, including add-ins, stand-alone applications, macro features, property manager pages, etc.
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MacroFeature with selection on Property doesn't work #81

Closed JulienMalbault closed 2 years ago

JulienMalbault commented 2 years ago

I create a macrofeature with selection property. Selection works, but when I validate the macroFeature, it doesn't add it in the tree.

Output : Exception levée : 'System.PlatformNotSupportedException' dans System.Private.CoreLib.dll

This is my code:

` [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] [Guid("F75B5CE9-D170-4394-8EDA-E1C703E661C0")] [ProgId("766E069B - 9D91 - 4B23 - 9C19 - 5D0B50DB7EA6")] [DisplayName("SWAddInJM")] public class AddInJM : Xarial.XCad.SolidWorks.SwAddInEx { public enum SourceCommands_e { StartFeature }

    public static void RegisterFunction(Type t)

    public static void UnregisterFunction(Type t)

    public override void OnConnect()
        m_Data = new ModelDataPage();
        m_Page = this.CreatePage<ModelDataPage>();

        this.CommandManager.AddCommandGroup<SourceCommands_e>().CommandClick += OnCommandClick;

    private ISwPropertyManagerPage<ModelDataPage> m_Page;
    private ModelDataPage m_Data;

    private void OnCommandClick(SourceCommands_e cmd)
        switch (cmd)
            case SourceCommands_e.StartFeature:
                this.Application.Documents.Active.Features.CreateCustomFeature<MacroFeatureDef, ModelDataPage, ModelDataPage>();

public class MacroFeatureDef : SwMacroFeatureDefinition<ModelDataPage, ModelDataPage>
    public override ISwBody[] CreateGeometry(ISwApplication app, ISwDocument model, ModelDataPage data, bool isPreview, out AlignDimensionDelegate<ModelDataPage> alignDim)
        ISwPart part = model as ISwPart;
        alignDim = null;
        return part.Bodies.Select(x => (ISwBody)x).ToArray();

public class ModelDataPage : SwPropertyManagerPageHandler
    public ISwSelObject Dispatch { get; set; }


artem1t commented 2 years ago

CreateGeometry should only return temp bodies (or operations between permanent (edit bodies) and temp bodies. It should not return bodies which are not edited bodies. Here is example