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[User story proposal] Xarray for climate model analysis #349

Open jhamman opened 1 year ago

jhamman commented 1 year ago

This is a proposal for a climate model analysis use case story for Xarray. The story will be published on Xarray's blog (https://xarray.dev/blog).


Xarray is used extensively across the climate modeling community. One or more user stories that highlight how Xarray is used for climate model analysis would help show Xarray's impact in this area. Ideally we show how Xarray is used with climate data in operations and for basic research, as well as how it is used in the cloud and on HPCs.


We are targeting a short and non-technical post that illustrates how Xarray is used in the climate context. Below is a template outline that you should feel free to modify:

  1. Who am I?
  2. What problem am I trying to solve?
  3. How does Xarray help?
  4. Why did I choose Xarray?
  5. Current pain points (or ways that Xarray could better serve your use case)
  6. Technology I use around Xarray
  7. Anything else to know?
  8. Links and references

Feel free to insert images or short code blocks if they help you tell your story.


Xarray's blog using Markdown with some front-matter. You can copy one of the existing posts to get started or you can write in a google-doc-like-thing and ask us to do the markdown formatting. If you copy a previous post, use a name like user-story-pangeo-ocean-model or whatever makes sense for your application.

xref: https://github.com/xarray-contrib/xarray.dev/issues/272

jhamman commented 1 year ago

Going to throw out a few names / ideas here. Folks should feel free to volunteer as well.

@paigem - would you be up for writing a short post about your ocean model analysis in the cloud (perhaps centered around you EC notebook)

@matt-long and/or @negin513 - would either of you be up for writing a post focused on using Xarray for data analysis on NCAR's HPC?

@orianac, @lmadaus, or @dgergel - would any of you be up for writing a post focused on how you (or your team) works with Xarray the the production of climate risk data (downscaling, analytics, etc.)?

paigem commented 1 year ago

I'd be very happy to write a post about using Xarray for ocean data analysis in the cloud! Thanks for the suggestion @jhamman. I am on partial vacation for the next 10 days, but will aim to get the post out within 2-3 weeks.

dgergel commented 1 year ago

Hi @jhamman - I'd be happy to write a post showcasing how my team uses xarray in producing climate risk analytics. Any particular time frame you were targeting? Nov - Dec would be better for me if that works.

jhamman commented 1 year ago

Hi @paigem and @dgergel - circling back here. The Nov-Dec timeframe totally works for us. Let me know if I can help in anyway.

negin513 commented 1 year ago

@jhamman I am also working on a post and notebooks focused on using Xarray for CESM data analysis on NCAR's HPC systems. End of November timeframe works great for me.

paigem commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the ping @jhamman - this ended up on the back burner while I transition jobs. Will aim to get this started in the next 2 weeks, and will likely reach out to you for input once I have a draft!