xaukael / card-tokens

Drag cards to the canvas
MIT License
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Enhancing Player Permissions for Card Movement and Rotation #12

Closed brunocalado closed 1 year ago

brunocalado commented 1 year ago

I would like to address an issue regarding player permissions in the Card Tokens module. Currently, players do not have the ability to move or rotate cards on the canvas. This limitation restricts their freedom to position their own cards and relies solely on the Game Master (GM) for such actions.

I propose an enhancement to the module's functionality by granting players the necessary permissions to move and rotate cards on the canvas. This would empower players to have more control over their own cards, allowing for a more interactive and immersive gameplay experience.

By enabling players to manipulate their cards independently, the GM's workload is reduced, and players gain a sense of autonomy and agency within the game. This enhancement aligns with the goal of promoting collaborative storytelling and engagement among all participants.

I believe that implementing this feature will greatly improve the overall user experience and contribute to the module's versatility. I welcome any feedback or suggestions on how to best implement this enhancement and address any potential concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

xaukael commented 1 year ago

The actors of the tokens on the canvas are given the permissions of the hand the card is currently in. If the players cannot move the token, it is because they have passed the card to a hand they do not own.

brunocalado commented 1 year ago

Thank you. The game was paused. Sorry.