xavierd / clang_complete

Vim plugin that use clang for completing C/C++ code.
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Clarification needed on statement "Just put the files in ~/.vim/" #575

Closed SiteshSahoo closed 2 years ago

SiteshSahoo commented 4 years ago

Want to know in the below statement what files exactly refers to. Thanks!

bdebyl commented 3 years ago

Clone the repo under the directory, or use a vim plugin manager and reference the path accordingly.

SanJacobs commented 2 years ago

@bdebyl So, everything should go into ~/.vim/clang_complete/? What does "reference the path accordingly" mean?

bdebyl commented 2 years ago

@SanJacobs with Vim Plugged (plugin manager) set-up and installed, adding this to your vimrc (or existing plugin inclusions):

" Plugged
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'xavierd/clang_complete'
call plug#end()

Then, in vim, :PlugInstall. The README has a snippet right under the "Just put the files in ~/.vim/` illustrating the two commands needed to do so.

If installing it manually, which I have no experience with, it should just work once the README commands are run and vim is reloaded/restarted. However, this snippet in your ~/.vimrc should work if you have issues with it not "just working" -- after the README steps for manual installation is followed:

set runtimepath^=~/.vim/plugin/clang_complete.vim

Then reload/restart vim or run :source ~/.vimrc