xaviergonz / mobx-keystone

A MobX powered state management solution based on data trees with first class support for Typescript, support for snapshots, patches and much more
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Slow applySnapshot/fromSnapshot #342

Open andriimuzh opened 2 years ago

andriimuzh commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am using mobx-keystone for a while on mobile (ReactNative) project and faced that applySnapshot/fromSnapshot takes too much time. On some not very powerful devices, it may take up to 10 sec what is very bad. My snapshot may contain 1500 - 2500 models and I realize that is a big amount of data but still, 10 sec is too much. Currently, I use the 0.60.2 version I tried updating to 0.64 but in spite of less snapshot-size applying takes up to 20% more time compared with the 0.60.2 version. I hope you'll help me find some solution. Thank you. "mobx": "^6.3.2" "mobx-keystone": "^0.60.2" "mobx-react": "^7.2.0"

xaviergonz commented 2 years ago

Could you post your models (just the props should do) + a snapshot to do performance tests?

andriimuzh commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the long reply. I have to change the data because of NDA, I'll provide the data shortly.

andriimuzh commented 2 years ago

Hi @xaviergonz, I made an example with models and snapshot. I hope you'll find it helpful. Thank you.

xaviergonz commented 2 years ago

thanks, I'll take a look as soon as my laptop gets fixed 👍

xaviergonz commented 2 years ago



It says it takes around 1 ms to do the applySnapshot, am I missing something?

terrysahaidak commented 2 years ago

Hey @xaviergonz not sure why but seems like console.time is broken.

This code shows you the problem:

  console.time("apply snapshot");
  const now = Date.now();
  console.log('apply snapshot', now);
  applySnapshot(rootStore, { ...root, ...data, $modelId: rootStore.$modelId });
  console.timeEnd("apply snapshot");
  console.log('apply snapshot', Date.now() - now);

Also, when I used CPU throttle in developer settings console.time returned me the same result as Date.now thing

xaviergonz commented 2 years ago

Getting around 300ms for applySnapshot, slightly less for fromSnapshot. Is that what you get too? How big is your original data that take 10 secs?


terrysahaidak commented 2 years ago

Getting around 300ms for applySnapshot, slightly less for fromSnapshot. Is that what you get too? How big is your original data that take 10 secs?


The problem is that you are probably testing it on your laptop. We are facing problems on mid- and low-end android devices running Hermes.

Settings CPU throttling to 4x ony MBP 15 2018 (i7 6 cores) makes it 4s for this same data.

Running it with my pixel 3 on codesandbox makes it 1.5s.

Probably the problem is that it initialize all the models at once but MST is doing it lazily.