xbapps / xbvr

Tool to organize and stream your VR porn library
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Feature Request - Ignore folder #751

Open dan9qt opened 2 years ago

dan9qt commented 2 years ago

Would be handy for anyone like me who has a whole disk added, but still has the odd 2D scene or whatever else on that drive that doesn't need to show up in XBVR

theRealKLH commented 2 years ago

you "should" only be targeting your VR folders not an entire "disk"...

xbvr looking at P:\

versus xbvr looking at
P:\PORN\VR and not P:\PORN\NONVR & P:\NOTporn

just sayin... BUT then again, who am I to tell you how to organize & use YOUR stuff, right? GRIN

Also don't take my comment to mean "this feature would NEVER be added".

dan9qt commented 2 years ago

In my case the whole disk is just (mainly) for VR vids and they all sit there. It's one of the reasons I love XBVR as I can just chuck all the files onto that disk over SMB and forget about them.

I also know I could just create a new folder, and drop all the VR stuff into that and add that instead, but thought I would make the request in case it's of use to anyone else.

vt-idiot commented 1 year ago

A potential solution could be to mimic something Android has done for years if not since the beginning? It uses a completely blank .nomedia file to tell supported apps to ignore entire folders.

If you're unfamiliar, it's invaluable if for example, you have a gallery app that will display images from anywhere on your entire phone, but also have a media player app that likes to do things like create a thumbnail cache in a directory the gallery app can see or access. Just drop a .nomedia file in there and the gallery won't see it anymore. If your phone has a removeable SD card, or if it's rooted, search for .nomedia and you'll probably find a ton of them already made by (good) apps that use any kind of image or thumbnail cache.

It shouldn't be too difficult to change XBVR's file scanner so that it will halt scanning on a directory (+ optionally, or rather ideally, stop scanning recursively/all subdirectories) once it detects e.g. an .xbvrignore file.

Other media servers have their own solutions, e.g. Plex will ignore files/subdirectories that a .plexignore file tells it to. They have a syntax you are meant to use within the text-based .plexignore file to tell it to ignore only certain files, subdirectories, or wildcard masks. That's probably unnecessary and needlessly complex outside of insane people edge-cases who have all their smut sorted universally by actress instead of separating out VR. https://support.plex.tv/articles/201381883-special-keyword-file-folder-exclusion/#toc-0