xbgmsharp / trakt

Import CSV to Trakt.tv list and Export Trakt.tv list into CSV
GNU General Public License v3.0
281 stars 47 forks source link

Importing watched episodes back into Trakt #3

Closed themurderlator closed 8 years ago

themurderlator commented 8 years ago

Not sure if there's an issue with importing episodes back into Trakt but I seem to have ran into an issue:

I exported all of my episodes using the following command: export_trakt.py -c config.ini -t episodes -o export_episodes_history.csv -l history

When importing the episodes, it doesn't seem to mark the correct episodes and uses today's date as the watch date: import_trakt.py -c config.ini -f tmdb -i test.csv -l history -t episodes

Is there any way to use the "trakt_id" column as the identifier of the show/episode and the "watched_at" column as the actual watch date?

Here's an example: "season","trakt_id","tmdb","watched_at","episode" "4","2244736","0","2016-05-28T22:01:01.000Z","4"

trakt_id is showing as Alaskan Bush People

When using the import command this is what is showing as watched: incorrect_trakt_import

xbgmsharp commented 8 years ago

In your example the tmdb id seem to be 0


The import script mark episodes as views into history list expect an ID imdb or tmdb or tvdb or tvrage follow season and episode. https://github.com/xbgmsharp/trakt#episodes-as-views-to-history tt04606XX,3,4

I did not mean to import the data after from the export command.

I now add support for trakt Id via commit eb2f9538a984622fcfc4eaa4ccb932ca0e399750

themurderlator commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much! I will have to test this later tonight.

I have about 50k+ duplicates of played episodes that I am trying to clean up and this was the best solution that I found.

You have a paypal?! I would love to donate some money for your help

xbgmsharp commented 8 years ago

I also had a lot of duplicated, and the export scripts has an option to remove duplicate -D, however I only use it against the movies. It can also empty a list -C.

  -C, --clean           empty list after export, default False
  -D, --duplicate       remove duplicate from list after export, default False
2803media commented 4 years ago

I try to export and import my trakt datas to another trakt account and the script doesn't work like I expect for watch date (episodes and movies) and not functional for episodes so I tweak it a bit.

For the import I use:

python3 import_trakt.py -i export_movies_history.csv -l history -s python3 import_trakt.py -i export_episodes_history.csv -t episodes -l history -s

Here is the import_trakt.py, it's a bit messy but fully functional:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2016-2018 xbgmsharp <xbgmsharp@gmail.com>
# Purpose:
# Import Movies or TVShows IDs into Trakt.tv
# Requirement on Ubuntu/Debian Linux system
# apt-get install python3-dateutil python3-simplejson python3-requests python3-openssl jq
# Requirement on Windows on Python 3
# C:\Python3\Scripts\easy_install3.exe simplejson requests

import sys, os
# https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#disabling-warnings
# http://quabr.com/27981545/surpress-insecurerequestwarning-unverified-https-request-is-being-made-in-pytho
# http://docs.python-requests.org/en/v2.4.3/user/advanced/#proxies
        import simplejson as json
        import requests
        import csv
        sys.exit("Please use your favorite mehtod to install the following module requests and simplejson to use this script")

import argparse
import configparser
import datetime
import collections
import pprint

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

desc="""This program import Movies or TVShows IDs into Trakt.tv."""

epilog="""Read a list of ID from 'imdb', 'tmdb', 'tvdb' or 'tvrage' or 'trakt'.
Import them into a list in Trakt.tv, mark as seen if need."""

_trakt = {
        'client_id'     :       '', # Auth details for trakt API
        'client_secret' :       '', # Auth details for trakt API
        'oauth_token'   :       '', # Auth details for trakt API
        'baseurl'       :       'https://api.trakt.tv' # Sandbox environment https://api-staging.trakt.tv

_headers = {
        'Accept'            : 'application/json',   # required per API
        'Content-Type'      : 'application/json',   # required per API
        'User-Agent'        : 'Tratk importer',     # User-agent
        'Connection'        : 'Keep-Alive',         # Thanks to urllib3, keep-alive is 100% automatic within a session!
        'trakt-api-version' : '2',                  # required per API
        'trakt-api-key'     : '',                   # required per API
        'Authorization'     : '',                   # required per API

_proxy = {
        'proxy' : False,                # True or False, trigger proxy use
        'host'  : '',  # Host/IP of the proxy
        'port'  : '3128'                # Port of the proxy

_proxyDict = {
        "http" : _proxy['host']+':'+_proxy['port'],
        "https" : _proxy['host']+':'+_proxy['port']

response_arr = []

def read_config(options):
        Read config file and if provided overwrite default values
        If no config file exist, create one with default values
        global work_dir
        work_dir = ''
        if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
                work_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
        elif __file__:
                work_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        _configfile = os.path.join(work_dir, options.config)
        if os.path.exists(options.config):
                _configfile = options.config
        if options.verbose:
                print("Config file: {0}".format(_configfile))
        if os.path.exists(_configfile):
                        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
                        if config.has_option('TRAKT','CLIENT_ID') and len(config.get('TRAKT','CLIENT_ID')) != 0:
                                _trakt['client_id'] = config.get('TRAKT','CLIENT_ID')
                                print('Error, you must specify a trakt.tv CLIENT_ID')
                        if config.has_option('TRAKT','CLIENT_SECRET') and len(config.get('TRAKT','CLIENT_SECRET')) != 0:
                                _trakt['client_secret'] = config.get('TRAKT','CLIENT_SECRET')
                                print('Error, you must specify a trakt.tv CLIENT_SECRET')
                        if config.has_option('TRAKT','OAUTH_TOKEN') and len(config.get('TRAKT','OAUTH_TOKEN')) != 0:
                                _trakt['oauth_token'] = config.get('TRAKT','OAUTH_TOKEN')
                                print('Warning, authentification is required')
                        if config.has_option('TRAKT','BASEURL'):
                                _trakt['baseurl'] = config.get('TRAKT','BASEURL')
                        if config.has_option('SETTINGS','PROXY'):
                                _proxy['proxy'] = config.getboolean('SETTINGS','PROXY')
                        if _proxy['proxy'] and config.has_option('SETTINGS','PROXY_HOST') and config.has_option('SETTINGS','PROXY_PORT'):
                                _proxy['host'] = config.get('SETTINGS','PROXY_HOST')
                                _proxy['port'] = config.get('SETTINGS','PROXY_PORT')
                                _proxyDict['http'] = _proxy['host']+':'+_proxy['port']
                                _proxyDict['https'] = _proxy['host']+':'+_proxy['port']
                        print("Error reading configuration file {0}".format(_configfile))
                        print('%s file was not found!' % _configfile)
                        config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
                        config.set('TRAKT', 'CLIENT_ID', '')
                        config.set('TRAKT', 'CLIENT_SECRET', '')
                        config.set('TRAKT', 'OAUTH_TOKEN', '')
                        config.set('TRAKT', 'BASEURL', 'https://api.trakt.tv')
                        config.set('SETTINGS', 'PROXY', False)
                        config.set('SETTINGS', 'PROXY_HOST', '')
                        config.set('SETTINGS', 'PROXY_PORT', '3128')
                        with open(_configfile, 'wb') as configfile:
                                print("Default settings wrote to file {0}".format(_configfile))
                        print("Error writing configuration file {0}".format(_configfile))

def read_csv(options):
        """Read CSV of Movies or TVShows IDs and return a dict"""
        reader = csv.reader(options.input, delimiter=',')
        return list(reader)

def api_auth(options):
        """API call for authentification OAUTH"""
        print("Open the link in a browser and paste the pincode when prompted")
        pincode = str(input('Input:'))
        url = _trakt['baseurl'] + '/oauth/token'
        values = {
            "code": pincode,
            "client_id": _trakt["client_id"],
            "client_secret": _trakt["client_secret"],
            "redirect_uri": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
            "grant_type": "authorization_code"

        request = requests.post(url, data=values)
        response = request.json()
        _headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + response["access_token"]
        _headers['trakt-api-key'] = _trakt['client_id']
        print('Save as "oauth_token" in file {0}: {1}'.format(options.config, response["access_token"]))

def api_search_by_id(options, id):
        """API call for Search / ID Lookup / Get ID lookup results"""
        url = _trakt['baseurl'] + '/search?id_type={0}&id={1}'.format(options.format, id)
        if options.verbose:
        if _proxy['proxy']:
            r = requests.get(url, headers=_headers, proxies=_proxyDict, timeout=(10, 60))
            r = requests.get(url, headers=_headers, timeout=(5, 60))
        if r.status_code != 200:
            print("Error Get ID lookup results: {0} [{1}]".format(r.status_code, r.text))
            return None
            return json.loads(r.text)

def api_get_list(options, page):
        """API call for Sync / Get list by type"""
        url = _trakt['baseurl'] + '/sync/{list}/{type}?page={page}&limit={limit}'.format(
                            list=options.list, type=options.type, page=page, limit=1000)
        if options.verbose:
        if _proxy['proxy']:
            r = requests.get(url, headers=_headers, proxies=_proxyDict, timeout=(10, 60))
            r = requests.get(url, headers=_headers, timeout=(5, 60))
        if r.status_code != 200:
            print("Error fetching Get {list}: {status} [{text}]".format(
                    list=options.list, status=r.status_code, text=r.text))
            return None
            global response_arr
            response_arr += json.loads(r.text)
        if 'X-Pagination-Page-Count'in r.headers and r.headers['X-Pagination-Page-Count']:
            print("Fetched page {page} of {PageCount} pages for {list} list".format(
                    page=page, PageCount=r.headers['X-Pagination-Page-Count'], list=options.list))
            if page != int(r.headers['X-Pagination-Page-Count']):
                api_get_list(options, page+1)

        return response_arr

def api_add_to_list(options, import_data):
        """API call for Sync / Add items to list"""
        url = _trakt['baseurl'] + '/sync/{list}'.format(list=options.list)
        #values = '{ "movies": [ { "ids": { "imdb": "tt0000111" } }, { "ids": { , "imdb": "tt1502712" } } ] }'
        #values = '{ "movies": [ { "watched_at": "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "ids": { "imdb": "tt0000111" } }, { "watched_at": "2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "ids": { "imdb": "tt1502712" } } ] }'
        if options.type == 'episodes':
            values = { 'shows' : import_data }
            values = { options.type : import_data }
        values = { options.type : import_data }
        json_data = json.dumps(values)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Sending to URL: {0}".format(url))
        if _proxy['proxy']:
            r = requests.post(url, data=json_data, headers=_headers, proxies=_proxyDict, timeout=(10, 60))
            r = requests.post(url, data=json_data, headers=_headers, timeout=(5, 60))
        if r.status_code != 201:
            print("Error Adding items to {list}: {status} [{text}]".format(
                    list=options.list, status=r.status_code, text=r.text))
            return None
            return json.loads(r.text)

def api_remove_from_list(options, remove_data):
        """API call for Sync / Remove from list"""
        url = _trakt['baseurl'] + '/sync/{list}/remove'.format(list=options.list)
        if options.type == 'episodes':
            values = { 'shows' : remove_data }
            values = { options.type : remove_data }
        values = { options.type : remove_data }    
        json_data = json.dumps(values)
        if options.verbose:
        if _proxy['proxy']:
            r = requests.post(url, data=json_data, headers=_headers, proxies=_proxyDict, timeout=(10, 60))
            r = requests.post(url, data=json_data, headers=_headers, timeout=(5, 60))
        if r.status_code != 200:
            print("Error removing items from {list}: {status} [{text}]".format(
                    list=options.list, status=r.status_code, text=r.text))
            return None
            return json.loads(r.text)

def cleanup_list(options):
        """Empty list prior to import"""
        export_data = api_get_list(options, 1)
        if export_data:
            print("Found {0} Item-Count".format(len(export_data)))
            print("Error, Cleanup no item return for {type} from the {list} list".format(
                type=options.type, list=options.list))
        results = {'sentids' : 0, 'deleted' : 0, 'not_found' : 0}
        to_remove = []
        for data in export_data:
            to_remove.append({'ids': data[options.type[:-1]]['ids']})
            if len(to_remove) >= 10:
                results['sentids'] += len(to_remove)
                result = api_remove_from_list(options, to_remove)
                if result:
                    print("Result: {0}".format(result))
                    if 'deleted' in result and result['deleted']:
                        results['deleted'] += result['deleted'][options.type]
                    if 'not_found' in result and result['not_found']:
                        results['not_found'] += len(result['not_found'][options.type])
                to_remove = []
        # Remove the rest
        if len(to_remove) > 0:
            #print pp.pprint(data)
            results['sentids'] += len(to_remove)
            result = api_remove_from_list(options, to_remove)
            if result:
                print("Result: {0}".format(result))
                if 'deleted' in result and result['deleted']:
                    results['deleted'] += result['deleted'][options.type]
                if 'not_found' in result and result['not_found']:
                    results['not_found'] += len(result['not_found'][options.type])
        print("Overall cleanup {sent} {type}, results deleted:{deleted}, not_found:{not_found}".format(
            sent=results['sentids'], type=options.type, deleted=results['deleted'], not_found=results['not_found']))

def main():
        Main program loop
        * Read configuration file and validate
        * Read CSV file
        * Authenticate if require
        * Cleanup list from Trakt.tv
        * Inject data into Trakt.tv
        # Parse inputs if any
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc, epilog=epilog)
        parser.add_argument('-v', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.1')
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
                      help='allow to overwrite default config filename, default %(default)s',
                      action='store', type=str, dest='config', default='config.ini')
        parser.add_argument('-i', '--input',
                      help='CSV file to import, default %(default)s',
                      nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=None, required=True)
        parser.add_argument('-f', '--format',
                      help='allow to overwrite default ID type format, default %(default)s',
                      choices=['imdb', 'tmdb', 'tvdb', 'tvrage', 'trakt'], dest='format', default='trakt')
        parser.add_argument('-t', '--type',
                      help='allow to overwrite type, default %(default)s',
                      choices=['movies', 'shows', 'episodes'], dest='type', default='movies')
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--list',
                      help='allow to overwrite default list, default %(default)s',
                      choices=['watchlist', 'collection', 'history'], dest='list', default='watchlist')
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--seen',
                      help='mark as seen, default %(default)s. Use specific time if provided, falback time: "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"',
                      nargs='?', const='2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
                      action='store', type=str, dest='seen', default=False)
        parser.add_argument('-C', '--clean',
                      help='empty list prior to import, default %(default)s',
                      default=False, action='store_true', dest='clean')
        #parser.add_argument('-d', '--dryrun',
        #              help='do not update the account, default %(default)s',
        #              default=True, action='store_true', dest='dryrun')
        parser.add_argument('-V', '--verbose',
                      help='print additional verbose information, default %(default)s',
                      default=True, action='store_true', dest='verbose')
        options = parser.parse_args()

        # Display debug information
        if options.verbose:
            print("Options: %s" % options)

        if options.seen and options.list != "history":
            print("Error, you can only mark seen {0} when adding into the history list".format(options.type))

        if options.seen:
                datetime.datetime.strptime(options.seen, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z')
                sys.exit("Error, invalid format, it's must be UTC datetime, eg: '2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'")

        # Read configuration and validate

        # Display oauth token if exist, otherwise authenticate to get one
        if _trakt['oauth_token']:
            _headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + _trakt['oauth_token']
            _headers['trakt-api-key'] = _trakt['client_id']

        # Display debug information
        if options.verbose:
            print("API Trakt: {}".format(_trakt))
            print("Authorization header: {}".format(_headers['Authorization']))

        # Empty list prior to import
        if options.clean:

        # Read CSV list of IDs
        read_ids = read_csv(options)

        # if IDs make the list into trakt format
        data = []
        results = {'sentids' : 0, 'added' : 0, 'existing' : 0, 'not_found' : 0}
        if read_ids:
            print("Found {0} items to import".format(len(read_ids)))
            for myid in read_ids:
                if myid:
                    # if not "imdb" it must be a integer
                    #if not options.format == "imdb" and not myid[0].startswith('tt'):
                        #myid[0] = int(myid[0])
                    if (options.type == "movies" or options.type == "shows") and options.seen:
                        #data.append({'ids':{options.format : myid[0]}, "watched_at": options.seen})
                        if (myid[1] != "trakt_id"):
                            data.append({'ids':{options.format : int(float(myid[1]))}, "watched_at": myid[2]})
                            data.append({'ids':{options.format : myid[1]}, "watched_at": myid[2]})
                    elif options.type == "episodes" and options.seen and myid[1] and myid[2]:
                        if (myid[1] != "trakt_id"):
                            #data.append({'ids':{options.format : int(float(myid[1]))},"seasons": [ { "number": int(myid[3]), "episodes" :[ { "number": int(myid[4]), "watched_at": myid[2]} ] } ] })
                            data.append({'season': int(myid[3]),"number": int(myid[4]), "ids": {options.format : int(float(myid[1]))},"watched_at": myid[2]})
                            #data.append({'ids':{options.format : myid[1]},"seasons": [ { "number": (myid[3]), "episodes" :[ { "number": (myid[4]), "watched_at": myid[2]} ] } ] })
                        data.append({'ids':{options.format : myid[0]}})
                    # Import batch of 10 IDs
                    if len(data) >= 10:
                        results['sentids'] += len(data)
                        result = api_add_to_list(options, data)
                        if result:
                            print("Result: {0}".format(result))
                            if 'added' in result and result['added']:
                                results['added'] += result['added'][options.type]
                            if 'existing' in result and result['existing']:
                                results['existing'] += result['existing'][options.type]
                            if 'not_found' in result and result['not_found']:
                                results['not_found'] += len(result['not_found'][options.type])
                        data = []
            # Import the rest
            if len(data) > 0:
                #print pp.pprint(data)
                results['sentids'] += len(data)
                result = api_add_to_list(options, data)
                if result:
                    print("Result: {0}".format(result))
                    if 'added' in result and result['added']:
                        results['added'] += result['added'][options.type]
                    if 'existing' in result and result['existing']:
                        results['existing'] += result['existing'][options.type]
                    if 'not_found' in result and result['not_found']:
                        results['not_found'] += len(result['not_found'][options.type])
            # TODO Read STDIN to ID
            print("No items found, nothing to do.")

        print("Overall imported {sent} {type}, results added:{added}, existing:{existing}, not_found:{not_found}".format(
                sent=results['sentids'], type=options.type, added=results['added'],
                existing=results['existing'], not_found=results['not_found']))

if __name__ == '__main__':
xbgmsharp commented 4 years ago

if you have fixed please send a diff or even better a PR.

2803media commented 4 years ago

PR open https://github.com/xbgmsharp/trakt/pull/25