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XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RPi 2 not booting #665

Closed Smultie closed 9 years ago

Smultie commented 9 years ago

I know this has already been mentioned, but might be better to get it on github as well.

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

same here, it just hangs on card resizing. do not have any other card to ry now, but with same HW OE build works just fine

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

The version from yesterday is confirmed to work by various users and myself.

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

thanks for reply @CurlyMoo are u refering to this one? http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbian/files/testing/XBian_2015.02.06_rpi2.img.gz cos thats the one I have tried and it doesnt work here as I mentioned above

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

That's the one. Make sure your power supply is sufficient. There are a lot of issues with power supplies and the Raspberry Pi 2. Also on the OpenElec forum. @smultie posted this about the image 2015.02.06 which we released w/o testing.

There is also an weekly from today.

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

sure, My PSU is solid stable 2.5A and as mentioned same hardware (RPi2, PSU, MicroSD card, cables, and whole setup) tried OpenElec and it boots straight, no issues, all super fast etc It just hangs on resizing and it just froze an stays forever. when I tried unplug and plug again it wont even go back to that stage

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Did you try the latest weekly? Problem is that i can't confirm and a lot of users are using that version w/o issues. So i have no clue where to look. Maybe @mk01?

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

just started to play with it now, so have tried only that build so far downloading this now http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbian/files/release/XBian_2015.02.07_rpi2.img.gz so will see in few minutes

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

so with that build it ends here http://oi60.tinypic.com/2r6368j.jpg

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

I have no clue. Need to test myself later.

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

tried to power cycle but its no go http://oi59.tinypic.com/28lgx2d.jpg probably no help at all

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Booting just fine with latest image:

Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
▒To dropdown to shell, press and hold shift on usb attached keyboard...
udevd[93]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

Loading initram modules ...
Looking for keyboards
Scanning for Btrfs filesystems

Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 245216 cylinders, 4 heads, 16 sectors/track
Old situation:
Units = sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot    Start       End   #sectors  Id  System
/dev/mmcblk0p1   *      2048     71679      69632   b  W95 FAT32
/dev/mmcblk0p2        141312   1135487     994176  83  Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3             0         -          0   0  Empty
/dev/mmcblk0p4             0         -          0   0  Empty
New situation:
Units = sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot    Start       End   #sectors  Id  System
/dev/mmcblk0p1   *      2048     71679      69632   b  W95 FAT32
/dev/mmcblk0p2        141312  15693823   15552512  83  Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3             0         -          0   0  Empty
/dev/mmcblk0p4             0         -          0   0  Empty
udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

Successfully wrote the new partition table

Re-reading the partition table ...

Partition resized...
udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

Resize '/rootfs' of 'max'
FSSync '/rootfs'
Resize '/rootfs' of '-250M'
FSSync '/rootfs'
Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ...

Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 245216 cylinders, 4 heads, 16 sectors/track
Old situation:
Units = mebibytes of 1048576 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start   End    MiB    #blocks   Id  System
/dev/mmcblk0p1   *     1     34     34      34816    b  W95 FAT32
/dev/mmcblk0p2        69   7662   7594    7776256   83  Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3         0      -      0          0    0  Empty
/dev/mmcblk0p4         0      -      0          0    0  Empty
New situation:
udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied
Units = mebibytes of 1048576 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start   End    MiB    #blocks   Id  System
/dev/mmcblk0p1   *     1     34     34      34816    b  W95 FAT32
/dev/mmcblk0p2        69   7417   7349    7525376   83  Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3         0      -      0          0    0  Empty
/dev/mmcblk0p4         0      -      0          0    0  Empty
Successfully wrote the new partition table

Re-reading the partition table ...

If you created or changed a DOS partition, /dev/foo7, say, then use dd(1)
to zero the first 512 bytes:  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo7 bs=512 count=1
(See fdisk(8).)
Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ...

Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 245216 cylinders, 4 heads, 16 sectors/track
Old situation:
Units = sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot    Start       End   #sectors  Id  System
/dev/mmcblk0p1   *      2048     71679      69632   b  W95 FAT32
/dev/mmcblk0p2        141312  15192063   15050752  83  Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3             0         -          0   0  Empty
/dev/mmcblk0p4             0         -          0   0  Empty
New situation:
Units = sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot    Start       End   #sectors  Id  System
/dev/mmcblk0p1   *      2048     71679      69632   b  W95 FAT32
/dev/mmcblk0p2        141312  15192063   15050752  83  Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3      15192064  15693823     501760  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/mmcblk0p4             0         -          0   0  Empty
Successfully wrote the new partition table

Re-reading the partition table ...

If you created or changed a DOS partition, /dev/foo7, say, then use dd(1)
to zero the first 512 bytes:  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo7 bs=512 count=1
(See fdisk(8).)
udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 256897024 bytes
Mounting root as: mount -t btrfs -o rw,subvol=root/@,thread_pool=2,autodefrag,compress=lz4,commit=120 /dev/mmcblk0p2 /rootfs
udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

Resize '/rootfs' of 'max'
FSSync '/rootfs'
Moving root
udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

udevd[92]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

Switching root
▒rpcbind: cannot create socket for udp6
rpcbind: cannot create socket for tcp6
udevd[1186]: error opening ATTR{/sys/devices/platform/mmc-bcm2835.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/target_latency} for writing: Permission denied

After the switch_root i can login after 5 minutes.

belese commented 9 years ago


i've got a sdcard whith similar behaviour on pi1 try to plug the sd card on pc (after resising freeze), and resize second partition with gparted, replug on pi and maybe it will work ;--) The problem on my sd card was the partiton was resising, but not the filesystem. other os was working too. but it was one year late at least, so try and see ;-)

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

just wondering as OE has no problem with same card, and I have no keyboard attached to RPi (dont have one at all) so I cant do much. may try that @belese

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

@rikardo1979, does the red led blink when booting?

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

RED and GREEN blinks once, than RED stay solid and thats all I get it stays like that. Even in multiple attempts to powercycle is always the same. it ends in same point

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

thanks @belese finally I found the time to try that and it does work ;) but for some reason I have 4 partition But at least XBian booted now, even in weird @640 resolution. but now after I have done the basic video settings and reboot it hangs on something else will investigate in about an hour again

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

not sure if this is OK? http://snag.gy/qxfm9.jpg what I have done flashed the latest image, than as there were two unallocated partitions I have created those and formated to ext4 after that I have plugged into RPi and than it finally booted straight into XBian in correct resolution etc than I have set all the basics, like resolution, audio out etc but when I tried to reboot it hangs on network detection now Any clue?

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

only way how I can make this working is by commenting 1st line

initramfs initramfs.gz 0x1000000

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

looks the issue is resolved. seems that the problem was with my computer running Ubuntu need to test bit more but looks all is good