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XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
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Streams broken in 14.2 build #685

Open rikardo1979 opened 9 years ago

rikardo1979 commented 9 years ago

most if not all online streams seems to be broken on latest 14.2 build some more info here http://forum.xbian.org/thread-2760.html

Dikay900 commented 9 years ago

can confirm this, just did some testing build XBian_2015.02.07_rpi2.img works for me, after update to latest packages the youtube (as example) addon is not working anymore. I think this issue is already in XBian_2015.02.14_rpi2.img will test later on and report here.

Edit: XBian_2015.02.14_rpi2.img has already these issues!! just tested with default settings

simoncozens commented 9 years ago

It's not just streams; everything uses the curl library is failing:

07:54:08 T:2834297856   ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Failure when receiving data from the peer(56) for https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NvjYjkIlWeA/hqdefault.jpg

curl is working from the command line. Looking at the debug logs show that curl is, for some reason, trying to use HTTP proxy: (I have no proxy configured)

08:19:58 T:2867852288   DEBUG: GetImageHash - unable to stat url https://yt3.ggpht.com/-B_AgxgoWCEg/VKV0RkOyXKI/AAAAAAAAABg/rBfj6_uCze0/w1280-fcrop64=1,00000000ffffffff-nd/baby%2Bgames%2Band%2Bsongs%2Bcopy.png
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - TEXT: connected
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - TEXT: Connected to (nil) ( port 443 (#0)
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - TEXT: Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to i.ytimg.com:443
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: CONNECT i.ytimg.com:443 HTTP/1.1
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Host: i.ytimg.com:443
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: User-Agent: Kodi/14.2-BETA2 (X11; Linux armv6l) XBian/1.0 HW_RaspberryPi/1.0 App_Bitness/32 Version/14.2-BETA2-Git:2015-02-18-04acf2f-dirty
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*;q=0.8
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - TEXT: Easy mode waiting response from proxy CONNECT
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - TEXT: Proxy CONNECT aborted
08:19:58 T:2782204928   DEBUG: Curl::Debug - TEXT: Closing connection #0
rolftimmerman commented 9 years ago

If I recall correctly during one of the latest updates libproxy was updated/installed. Maybe thuis info helps somehow.

simoncozens commented 9 years ago

Yeah, this patch looks odd: https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian-package-xbmc/blob/master/patches/libproxy.patch

If nothing else, doesn't the free call mean that m_proxy always ends up pointing to a freed pointer?

mk01 commented 9 years ago

the patch is a "template" providing xbmc with auto proxy configuration via libproxy library. it currently misses only condition to decide when to replace XBMC's own proxy config (for instance XBMC's proxy would be set to "auto:libproxy")

@simoncozens m_proxy variable is std::string so "=" is actually copying string (from proxy[i] address).

(but until that's agreed and finished - renaming to .nouse is the desired solution)

Dikay900 commented 9 years ago

is this issue fixed in latest update?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

It's still broken.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


so it wasn't the patch, ... ? the streams(any) do work OK on imx6 (13.2, 14.0, 14.1. i'm not 100% sure I tested streams with 14.2B2 particularly, so can't say). but the others very OK - is it really not relevant to package updates ? (as code base beside the EGL implementations (RPI/Imx6) is 99% the same.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Only youtube is broken I think, Genesis streaming works, there is an issue with plugin downloading also.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

We haven't had a Kodi update that I recall.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


I mean base system updates, no xbmc.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

How can I test?

mk01 commented 9 years ago

check /var/log/apt/history.log* what was installed at what date/time. we now speak about wheezy, yes? not the upgrade to jessie you have done ?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry Matus, I forgot I updated to nightly xbmc because 14.2 wont keep calibration settings. I just downgraded back to 14.2 and YouTube streaming is still broken, in 14.2 and 15. 0 alpha1. All other streaming is working in 14.2 and 15. 0 alpha 1, calibration settings still not being applied in 14.2.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Jessie/Wheezy should not be relevant, the above behavior is the exact same on standard wheezy also. This is all on Pi 2, I don't have another SD card to test on Pi 1.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


it is relevant because it seems we are back at my original assumption with broken libcurl & stuff. jessie by default includes BROKEN libcurl and that's why for imx6 we provide older versions ... I can copy the debs to rpi apt folder (devel) and you can try your jessie (with any xbmc) agains them.

(why I listed the xbmc versions was to explain again that THE SAME code with 100% ok curl works without issues - and that's why also I was asking about updates to wheezy (as jessie I know for sure has libcurl broken)).

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

It doesn't work %100 though, there are forum posts from other people saying youtube streaming is broken. Everything else seems to be working. It is an issue only on XBian, it isn't the youtube plugin.

I will test anything or do whatever, I personally can't even use xbian right now because of this problem. I use youtube daily.

If you provide a link to the deb I can use dpkg to install and test, I already have devel in my apt list if you want to do it that way.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


do this:

wget http://apt.xbian.org/pool/stable/imx6-jessie/l/libcurl3/libcurl3_7.37.1-1_armhf.deb
wget http://apt.xbian.org/pool/stable/imx6-jessie/l/libcurl3-gnutls/libcurl3-gnutls_7.37.1-1_armhf.deb
wget http://apt.xbian.org/pool/stable/imx6-jessie/c/curl/curl_7.37.1-1_armhf.deb
dpkg -i *.deb
pkill kodi


for reference https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian/issues/682

mk01 commented 9 years ago


f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Okay Matus here we go, this is after downgrading the packages you linked;

f1vefour commented 9 years ago
xbian@xbian ~ $ apt-cache policy libcurl3
  Installed: 7.37.1-1
  Candidate: 7.38.0-4
  Package pin: (not found)
  Version table:
     7.38.0-4 1001
        500 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie/main armhf Packages
 *** 7.37.1-1 1001
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     7.26.0-1+wheezy12 1001
        500 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy/main armhf Packages
rolftimmerman commented 9 years ago

I have an RPi1 with Wheezy and I'm having the issue as well. Anything I can do tot test?

mk01 commented 9 years ago


did you reinstall -gnutls variant too ? (and curl3 as well?)

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Sure did:

xbian@xbian ~ $ apt-cache policy libcurl3-gnutls
  Installed: 7.37.1-1
  Candidate: 7.38.0-4
  Package pin: (not found)
  Version table:
     7.38.0-4 1001
        500 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie/main armhf Packages
 *** 7.37.1-1 1001
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     7.26.0-1+wheezy12 1001
        500 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy/main armhf Packages
xbian@xbian ~ $ apt-cache policy curl
  Installed: 7.37.1-1
  Candidate: 7.38.0-4
  Package pin: (not found)
  Version table:
     7.38.0-4 1001
        500 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie/main armhf Packages
 *** 7.37.1-1 1001
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     7.26.0-1+wheezy12 1001
        500 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy/main armhf Packages
mk01 commented 9 years ago


ok, so wrap-up ? btw do you also have ca-certificates ?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I do have ca-certificates. What do you mean wrap-up? Still broken even with older curl packages.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


but youtube only, yes ? or? that I meant with wrap-up ;) can you post "ldd /usr/local/lib/kodi/kodi.bin" ?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Some links fail on other plugins but I can't tell if it is curl related, so yes I would say it is youtube only.

KODI ldd: http://pastebin.com/8nMwaqWT

mk01 commented 9 years ago

can you create armhfjessie-rpi buildroot config file ? (probably it will 1:1 to the one for imx6, only remove IMX stuff and keep xbian-package-firmware (RPI fw & headers)

I will create it on build server and will rebuild xbmc for RPI against native Jessie (no other idea currently)

mk01 commented 9 years ago

just retested youtube and all ok, so lets do the native recompile against jessie with older curl. if imx6, there is no reason rpi not to.

bromix commented 9 years ago

It's not YouTube only....MixCloud is also not working: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=116386&pid=1947819#pid1947819

In some log I noticed a message stating that the support for HTTPs was missing and that the libcurl should be compiled with it. Don't know if it is related to this, but I haven't any problems with Ubuntu and Android 4.2.2

bromix commented 9 years ago

And the same here with SoundCloud: https://github.com/bromix/plugin.audio.soundcloud/issues/21

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Fixed youtube on latest 14.2 update, unfortunately the 15.0 alpha 2 update totally broke kodi. So 14.2 is okay, 15.0 alpha 2 broken.

Great work @mk01

mk01 commented 9 years ago


any xbmc package generated from master (so xbmc-nightly in that case) is provided as is (you know that, just for others). there were some commits yesterday (upstream) to it which didn't build at all at first, new dependencies/libs not provided by Debian etc.

but tell me more, it didn't start at all or ... ?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Yes it doesn't start, first it complained about a missing settings.xml which I replaced but then I got this.


mk01 commented 9 years ago


I triggered reset & rebuild on rpi-nightly, let me know later...

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I will Matus, thanks.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


there are two build, latest 15.0~ALPHA2-1425748527 and one before (you will find it via apt-cache policy ...). the last one is build with extra texturepacker - as texture packer is no more linked into xbmc. I'm not sure what all impacts that might have on skins...

meaning: last one with extra texture packer should be fine. but I appreciate also testing the other package - that we are clear on impacts of removed texturepacker.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Will test both now, I'm using a very complex skin so if there are issues I should see them immediately.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Not in the repo? I of course updated before searching.

xbian@xbian ~ $ apt-cache policy xbian-package-xbmc-nightly
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 15.0~ALPHA2-1425682000
  Version table:
     15.0~ALPHA2-1425682000 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     15.0~ALPHA1-1424841336 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ devel/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     15.0~ALPHA1-1424584643 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ devel/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     15.0~ALPHA1-1424275123 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ devel/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.1~RC1-1419732896 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0-ALPHA1-1404480020 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ devel/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0~RC3-1419061099 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0~RC3-1418728114 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0~RC3-1418634627 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0~RC2-1417676350 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0~BETA3-1416715634 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
     14.0~BETA2-1416671511 0
        500 mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt/ stable/rpi-wheezy armhf Packages
mk01 commented 9 years ago

repo will rebuild at 2000CET so in 1h20m (each 4h).

but packages were already pushed.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Will test in an hour and half then.

@mk01 Thanks for working so hard on this, kind of an important package :)

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

What should I have in my sources.list @mk01 because the package is not showing up, I see it on the build server but it's not in the repo.

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

From our own website:

Raspberry Pi: /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free rpi

CuBox-i / Hummingboard: /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie main non-free

Raspberry Pi: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbian.list

deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt     stable   main    rpi-wheezy
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt     staging   main    rpi-wheezy
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt     devel   main    rpi-wheezy

CuBox-i / Hummingboard: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbian.list

deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt     stable   main    imx6-jessie
deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt     staging   main    imx6-jessie
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt     devel   main    imx6-jessie
f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I know that, I'm on rpi-jessie so that doesn't apply to this. Thanks though.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

@mk01 I manually pulled the build from the server, installed libgif4, installed 15.0~ALPHA2-1425748527 and it is still broken unfortunately.


CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

What about adding an additional symlink on sourceforge called Working.

So we have: XBian_2015.03.07_rpi2.img.gz which also is XBian_Latest_rpi2.img.gz

But we add: XBian_2015.01.31_rpi2.img.gz which can become XBian_Working_rpi2.img.gz or XBian_Stable_rpi2.img.gz

Then users at least know what the latest image was without any issues.

Dikay900 commented 9 years ago

the latest working image for me was the image XBian_2015.02.07_rpi2.img which should be the same for the rpi.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I think stable would be better terminology.

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

So that's a yes?