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XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
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Kernel Panic #706

Closed The-Exnor closed 8 years ago

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

As requested by f1vefour here is as picture of Kernel panic situation that is recurrent on 2 units (http://forum.xbian.org/thread-2783-page-3.html) and (http://forum.xbian.org/thread-2827.html).

Picture (http://s10.postimg.org/y6r0r3mnd/Kernel.jpg)

Have you any idea @mk01


CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Please try compress=lzo for btrfs and reboot (/boot/cmdline.txt)

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

Ok, trying that. will post progress.

Widths lzo or lz0 (zero at the end)? Thks

Edit: ok its LZO lol... i also added LZO compression to zswap.compressor=lzo

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo : Sorry mate this did not worked... tested on my 2 rPi 1 B and after less than 24h i've still got crashes and one Kernel Panic.

One of the units was freshly installed with the latest Xbian stable, available on the Win installer, then updated via apt-get. No other addons installed, no other configurations. Also OC @ xbian.


CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Can you try a fresh install but before you boot change the btrfs compress to lzo?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

@The-Exnor Please try this updated kernel for RPi 1 and let me know how it goes.


Install by doing:

sudo cp /boot/kernel.img /boot/kernel.good
sudo dpkg -i xbian-package-kernel_3.19.3+_armhf.deb
The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo and @f1vefour :

Ok so Curly i'm already running a fresh install with btrfs compress level at LZO on both parameters i will post if it crashes

@f1vefour i'm going to install your Kernel on my other rPi 1 unit and will post the result (btw thank you for compiling that for me :) )

I will post results in here and on Xbian forums

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

At least it booted here and the scrub succeeded.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago


Yes scrub does not crash anymore i've tested that too... but last time (after changing the btrfs compression) it also succeeded, and it lasted for several hours until it crashed.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Thanks for testing, I am hoping we can move past the 3.18 branch and make 3.19 the default. I wish I could have pre-tested beforehand but I'm relatively sure the kernel will boot and function since a lot of Pi specific code has made it into the 3.19.y branch.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour sorry for the noob question but after installation do i need to do anything else besides rebooting?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Nope, just reboot. If you have still have the same issues I will help you update the firmware.

To make sure you're on the right kernel just run 'uname - a', should be kernel version 3.19.3 after installing and rebooting.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour Ok i have it installed and its running fine so far.. it past btrfs scrub without issues... i hope this is the one. Do you want me to send you any log file or info?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

You could pastebin dmesg and link here so I can make sure nothing is initially wrong, thanks.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour here you go mate (attached as .jpg... save as and rename it to .txt :P) dmesg txt

rolftimmerman commented 9 years ago

Here is mine: http://pastebin.com/CEjQp2BP

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@RolfTimmerman is your running ok now?

rolftimmerman commented 9 years ago

For now but its only running for 5min ;)

rolftimmerman commented 9 years ago

Still running, fingers crossed!

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

Same here... so far so good.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago


Well the unit did not crash but kody did and i lost SSH so i had to hard reboot and now i'm stuck on the splash screen saying "init process" ... it does respond to ctrl+alt+del but i cant bypass the splash screen with any of the key combinations that i've tried.

So i guess i have to re-install and restart the test... EDIT: did a fresh install, second partition was corrupted.

@CurlyMoo The unit running your suggestion is still up and running. Only Kodi crashed but the OS is responsive.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo Just noticed one thing... the unit i've freshly installed and applied the LZO setting did not expand the file system... It was installed on a 8GiB card and only less than 400 Mib are used with only 44 MiB available on the system partition. Also the swap partition was not created.

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Are you sure that's related to lzo?

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo Not sure... i did nothing on that unit besides installing fresh, modify the LZO part and boot... this is the 1st time i actually take time to see how it was performing, besides not crashing.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago


After a fresh install on a new sdcard, and after installing the new Kernel and about 1 hour of runtime the unit froze again (no messages on screen) and on reboot the 2nd partition (btrfs) was corrupted again :/ No modifications on the system this time besides the installation of the Kernel (used latest stable image and did not performed any update.). Any suggestions?

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago


Just re-installed a new one with your idea. This time the filesystem/partitions were created normally.

Used zswap.compressor=lz4 and compress=lzo. Last time i used zswap with lzo.

Lets see if it still holds like the last time, now that the partitions are correct. (using Linux Kernel 3.18.x+ not the .19 that @f1vefour posted).

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo well scrub this idea mate... few minutes of doing nothing and i've just got Kernel Panic screen again... Is there any file i can post here to help?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

So it's not lz4 :smile:

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo it appears its not.... but i'm getting out of option here :( new install crashes, new Kernel makes FS corrupt ... any ideas ??? from the forums i know i'm not the only one with the same problem.

Off topic: why LZ4 ? isn't this setting more compute demanding?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

We patch lz4 customly inside the kernel. Somehow it's IO related but i don't know where. I never had issues with normal Kodi + pilight usage.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo any theories about what is happening in this situations?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Nope, maybe @mk01?

rolftimmerman commented 9 years ago

My RPi crashed again today

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

It could be the bfs/bfq patches, the only thing left to try is build a kernel without those patches and see what happens. I think we need to provide a image without lz4 and an unpatched vanilla kernel because this is getting ridiculous.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I have had no kernel panic on any of the kernels on either the Pi 1 or 2, I can get a freeze when a torrent approaches 5 megabyte/s. But it isn't locked up as if I leave it alone it comes back.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour so this is not an isolated case right? More people are getting the same problem for what i can see on the forums and in here.

Was there any major change on the last 2 kernels? because before everything was ok.

Also, now Kodi is very sluggish to respond to commands, either direct from keyboard or android app, and am talking about fresh out of an installation.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

I'm beginning to think it's a hardware issue, since 99% of all users aren't having these problems.

My current best recommendation is to downgrade to 3.17.y or earlier and see if you have the same issue, since this is the kernel you previously had no issue with.

Have you tried other SD cards?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

The most radical idea is building a ext4 root image. And that's what i'm doing now. If that is still crashing is has to be a hardware issue.

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Can you try this image: http://download.xbian.org/testing/XBian_2015.03.31_rpi2-test.img.gz

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour yes i'm using 2 rPi 1 units and tried 3 different SDcards betwen them...

@CurlyMoo ok, just one question: this image is just for test or if is stable will i be able to continue to update it?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Just for testing.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Thanks @CurlyMoo, this will definitely help determine the issue.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo @f1vefour

Thanks, tomorow i will give it a try ASAP. Today i don't have the time.

Ps: the .x.19 kernel just corrupted the 2nd partition for the 4th time today... (and its a different SDcard)

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Are your Pi's UK or China made? Because the UK made has Samsung RAM and China made is something else, this caused issues before.

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour i bought it (both actually) from an official seller on the UK (link is directly on the Raspberry pi foundation page).

Also i bought my 2nd Pi almost a year later than the 1st... and they both have the same problem :/

Just in case, how do identify if my rPi units are UK made or PRC?

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour @CurlyMoo

Your test img does not boot on any of my rPi... i flash it using Win32DiskImager on 3 different SDcards.

Any suggestions?

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

@The-Exnor The Pi on the right is UK made, left is PRC http://i.ytimg.com/vi/qP4qoVnhAEY/maxresdefault.jpg

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour my oldest unit is made in PRC (black audio input jack) and my less old one (lol) is made on the UK (or at least its said so on the PCB and it has the blue audio jack).

Also note that prior to x.18+ Kernel i never had this issues on either units...

@CurlyMoo i still have an SDcard running "vanilla" xbian updates (because i need something to play videos) and the crash rate as decreased ( it lasted 48h until i've shut it down to test the Test build). Kodi is getting a little more responsive. i've not tested btrfs scrubbing since the last Panic.

f1vefour commented 9 years ago

Good that you have both, that rules out the RAM theory.

What kernel is on the vanilla install?

The-Exnor commented 9 years ago

@f1vefour as of today the x.18+ with ZL4 compression.

I'm testing something on one of the units... i got a theory about instability on some OC at the GPU (last year i've tried several setting and got some interesting results...) and i've reverted the clock to the default settings (below the ones on Xbian OC). So far this installation (downloaded today with the installer) with Kodi NOT running is still alive...

The other unit is also full updated and so far only Kodi crashes when idle (simple Stop/Start resolves that via SSH). Also this unit i'm using to keep seeing my shows is OC @ Turbo (you can see the pics on the forum, it has 2 active fans for heat dissipation) and never gave any problems like this.

Both units are powered by 2.5 A/h PSU's .

Nikamura commented 9 years ago

Is there anything I can help, I have stock xbian on rpi2 with rtorrent running and after leaving it over night running it crashes or just if it uses 100% cpu for some time it also crashes