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XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
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Dependencies on Upstart #720

Closed airend closed 9 years ago

airend commented 9 years ago

Things work pretty well on Debian 8/Jessie, except that xbian-update (and other xbian packages) have stringent dependencies on upstart. Now that Jessie is released, could these dependencies be fixed so that systemd-sysv can replace upstart?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

No, XBian is too dependent on upstart.

airend commented 9 years ago

Of course, I understand that's very much the case with Debian 7. I guess I'm wondering about plans for Debian 8 and systemd, where upstart is not needed. I remember reading that XBian devs already checked the compatibility of the current RPi packages on jessie.

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Yes, we already use jessie on the CuBox-i with upstart.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


there is no plan to migrate the INIT to systemd. but systemd is present and fully working (so starting / stopping own services etc) - that means if user/you want to adapt system with own/3rd party services with provided .systemd service files, current XBian setup is no obstacle.

airend commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the information. For some reason, I thought systemd can deal with the legacy init infrastructure transparently.

mk01 commented 9 years ago


yes, it can. but legacy is SYSV. so runlevels and /etc/init.d.

it doesn't handle upstart at all and never will as systemd is looking at the whole booting process from target(final state) perspective (what is needed to do to full-fill final "task"'s requirement - this iterates until all depends are managed (so systemd progressed to very begging of boot).

upstart goes from boot (what I can do now, as I finished this and that already) until there is nothing waiting in the queue.

but again, since udevd was integrated with systemd, as soon as upstart launches udevd, systemd starts in parallel too. only difference is that (as you wrote) systemd-sysv is missing so systemd is not started as init(pid=1) process (so is not managing the initial namespace).