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XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
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Kodi missing libass dependency #744

Closed bellini666 closed 8 years ago

bellini666 commented 9 years ago

Was going to watch a mkv with embedded subtitles on kodi, but those subtitles didn't show up.

After searching a while, I found this old issue. Based on that, I installed the libass5 package, which solved the problem for me.

Probably would be useful to have it as a dependency for kodi package.

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

I think you are one of the best issue detector for XBian that is not a team member :+1: So i was wondering if you had any programming skills in general that would make it usefull for us if you could apply these changes directly?

mkreisl commented 9 years ago

@hackedbellini I have no problems showing ssa/ass subtitles with libass4. Only Kodi 15 requires a slightly newer version of libass4 (0.10.1 instead of 0.10.0) Kodi is still linked against libass4 and has already a dependency for this lib. Which version of Kodi do you use? I assume you're using Jessie, not Wheezy. On Jessie there doesn't exist libass4, only libass5. So this could be an explanation

bellini666 commented 9 years ago

@CurlyMoo as a matter of fact, I do have programming skills =P. Programming is what I do for a living.

That is actually one of the reasons I always try to report an issue every time I find some problem, even if it turns out not to be one. I know how hard it is to get feedback (specially good ones) from general users.

And actually, contributing to xbian is something I want to do, but sometimes I lack the time to do so.

I would easily open a PR for this one, but after reading what @mkreisl said, it seems that it is not as simple as adding libass5 to Depends on the debian control file.

And @mkreisl , yes, I'm running xbian on Jessie. I'm updated on the latest stable+staging packages (for kodi it would be 14.3~IsengardBackports-1434302336).

Knowing that jessie doesn't have libass4 on its repositories, what do you think would be the best solution here? Maybe porting it to xbian repository?

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

Tell me how you would like to contribute? What are your programming skills?

mkreisl commented 9 years ago


Knowing that jessie doesn't have libass4 on its repositories, what do you think would be the best solution here? Maybe porting it to xbian repository?

I thought about this yesterday for a while, founding no good solution. I think we should keep this in mind. I looked to the config for IMX6, which also uses Jessie. And there is no dependency for libass[4|5]. I will add it there. Backporting libass4 is no good idea, because libass5 already exists and works well.

The best would be making tabula rasa, killing Wheezy and switching completely to Jessie :innocent:

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

The best would be making tabula rasa, killing Wheezy and switching completely to Jessie :innocent:

Already taking quite long...

bellini666 commented 9 years ago

@mkreisl it make sense. Even the xbmc-bin package in debian jessie depends on libass5.


Tell me how you would like to contribute? What are your programming skills?

I haven't though to much about "how I want to contribute" to it yet. Probably in any area that I can be useful =P

Regarding my programming skills, specially regarding things that would be useful for xbian, I'm mostly experienced in python. More than 5 years working with python projects, as you can see in my openhub page and on the projects I contributed on github. I also have good scripting knowledge (sh/bash scripting in general) and debian packaging (e.g. I was the maintainer of this ppa the company I work for uses to release the software we developthere). I also have good linux skills since I'm a linux desktop user since 2006 (my laptop runs Debian Testing since squeeze =P).

Other than that, I have a good experience with gtk+, but that doesn't add too much for xbian as far as I can tell.

Because I'm still finishing my graduation while I work, sometimes I lack spare time to contribute (the reason to why I usually only open an issue for the problems I found). But having some, I'll be more than happy to contribute to xbian :). If you have any suggestions on what/where I can be useful, I'll do my best to help!

CurlyMoo commented 9 years ago

I'm mostly experienced in python.

WTF! We have an job application open for some time now to maintain the xbian-config-xbmc package because the old developer couldn't do it anymore. And all that time we had that developer amongst us...

If you have any suggestions on what/where I can be useful, I'll do my best to help!

You'll will see soon enough where we want your help :innocent: (always good to learn new smiley's)

It's also usefull if we can meet soon on IRC. Tell me when you have time.

bellini666 commented 9 years ago

WTF! We have an job application open for some time now to maintain the xbian-config-xbmc package because the old developer couldn't do it anymore. And all that time we had that developer amongst us...

hahaha sorry for not stepping in earlier =P

I can surely help maintaining that package :)

You'll will see soon enough where we want your help :innocent: (always good to learn new smiley's)

Looking forward to it! :)

Next week is my last week of class on the university for this semester. After that, I'll start having some time to contribute here!

It's also usefull if we can meet soon on IRC. Tell me when you have time.

I'm almost always online on irc because of ircclould. I'm already in #xbian@freenode there, is that the right channel? My nick there is the same as my nick here on github, hackedbellini. I don't know yours so can you ping me there? =P

mk01 commented 9 years ago


kodi is linked against the libass which is available at its compilation. rpi2(as special pkg from staging) is compiled agains Jessie and therefore will work with libass5. rpi2 is compiled against wheezy and therefor expects libass4.

mk01 commented 9 years ago

so yes, feel free to open a PR. best would be if you check the other branches too (imx6/jessie so libass5, etc) and update the dependencies accordingly (where ever is libassX missing)