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Graphical glitches in latest version #757

Closed renwique closed 8 years ago

renwique commented 8 years ago

Wiped my SD card and installed 20150817-0, RPi2. I have some weird graphical glitches in Kodi, where text does not show up, or shows with errors. Scrolling through lists/items seems to cause or exacerbate the issue. Screenshots below with yellow rectangles highlighting the problem areas. 1 2

renwique commented 8 years ago

Also, upgrading from the included kernel (4.1.4) to 4.1.5 did not fix.

mkreisl commented 8 years ago

Maybe modifying some settings may help: http://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml#algorithmdirtyregions

er0l commented 8 years ago

Same issue here. Removing "false<\/visualizedirtyregions>" from advancedsettings.xml makes it better, but still there are some glitches here and there especially when browsing trough long lists.

mkreisl commented 8 years ago

I can confirm the issue on a fresh installed img on a RPi2 (see your first picture)

The solution seems to be: Update kernel to 4.1.6 and the issue is gone. Just tested

Btw, it does not happen on a RPi1

renwique commented 8 years ago

I tried a fresh 20150829 install, which came with 4.1.6, but couldn't get Kodi to start, even with a manual call to service xbmc start. It might have been a bad SD card flash, but I didn't try again.

I tried 20150822 with an apt-get upgrade, updating the kernel from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6. I still have the issue, in almost the exact same places.

mkreisl commented 8 years ago

Hmm sounds strange After I updated the kernel the issue has gone. But I should say, I only tested it on kodi's main screen

renwique commented 8 years ago

The problem seems reproducible immediately by scrolling through the root filesystem in the File Manager.

Playing with <algorithmdirtyregions> didn't help. Playing with <nofliptimeout> caused some interesting problems, including the screen going blank after updates if set higher than 6ms. Setting <visualizedirtyregions>true</visualizedirtyregions> didn't give me any useful information, other than to see tons of red squares (which I expected). When the red squares faded away, everything was rendered correctly. My guess, of course, is that the entire area is being refreshed as the blocks fade away.

I'm flashing back to my old image from April, and I'm going to see if I can try to replicate the <nofliptimeout> behavior, and see if the visualized regions look any different.

renwique commented 8 years ago

On 20150407-0 running kernel 3.18.8, adding <nofliptimeout>1000</nofliptimeout> has no effect, the screen updates like normal and continues to display without problem.

On 20150822 with 4.1.6, adding <nofliptimeout> with a value higher than 6-7 caused screen blanking after the updates happened.

Maybe related? Not sure.

Disregard, see next comment.

renwique commented 8 years ago

Scratch the above, there were two <gui> stanzas in my config. Behavior between the two are the same; the screen blanks on both versions.

renwique commented 8 years ago

Playing with <algorithmdirtyregions> on the old version didn't cause any problems, except for some slowness on 2, which was to be expected. 1 seems faster than the default (3), so I'm leaving that set.

My only guess is there must be some issue with the graphics code/driver somewhere in the 4.x kernel series. I'm not a developer, so I have no clue where to start with that.

I'm staying on 20150407-0 with 3.18.8 for now. I'd like some of the new features of Isengard, but this is fine for the time being.

Smultie commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Paging @mk01

mkreisl commented 8 years ago

We all have the same issue including @mk01. It is absolutely randomly. I already made some tests but at the moment, I can't reproduce it anymore.

er0l commented 8 years ago

Leave gui tags in advancedsettings.xml empty and try to open any larger list whether movies or online resources after scrolling few pages moving up and down through the list. it almost always shows up in my setup.

mk01 commented 8 years ago


can you please look briefly at this ? basically it looks it started ~2w ago when I changed our tree to be rebase on top of pop/isengard_rbp_backports (instead of xbmc/Isengard as before).

before I was merging your newclock4 into our tree. I will double check AGAIN that there are no leftovers in the tree I rebase on top of yours (from previously merging the newclock4, but in-between please take brief look, maybe you will come with an idea what's the issue.


mk01 commented 8 years ago

ok, found few lines as leftover exactly relevant to rendering / dirty regions.

fixed source, pushed, asked for recompile. rpi2 pkg is already at staging repo, rpi compiling.

@renwique it is not unnecessary to re-image always. much faster would be just downgrade installed Kodi package. available versions can one list via

apt-cache policy xbian-package-xbmc

and install specific version (15.1~RC1-1438235202 in that example case)

apt-get install xbian-package-xbmc=15.1~RC1-1438235202
mk01 commented 8 years ago

rpi package was pushed to staging too

once they would be confirmed as glitch free, they will go stable