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Prompt after some fiddling with pi-hole. BTRFS not working? #800

Closed Smultie closed 8 years ago

Smultie commented 8 years ago

I'm running Couchpotato, SickRage, Mysql, Phpmyadmin on my XBian install. I recently read about pi-hole, and though "well, why not?!" and installed it. Got a couple of errors b/c port 80 was occupied by apache2. Changed apache2 to 8080, installed, but didn't work. Fiddled some more, got into a stat where I didn't want to be, decided to try to get back to a previous btrfs backup, and got the following: https://goo.gl/photos/6JtXhhiBCaw8b5d67

What to do?

mkreisl commented 8 years ago

@Smultie Sorry, for this particular problem I can't help you. I only tried the backup once a long time ago and had similar problems when restoring this backup (or should I say: it did not do what I expected).

Ususally I use snapshots to restore an older system status (I do this very often), do you know this page? BTRFS Snapshots