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XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
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Newbie feedback to developers (initial boot many codecs to click; unknown SSH credentials, no TVheadend) #909

Closed slrslr closed 2 years ago

slrslr commented 2 years ago

Hello, i have started Xbian_2021.11.05_Rpi4 on my Rpi4 today for the first time.

I wanted to tell developers what i was missing as a newbie user in order they consider improving.

1) After boot i was surprised i had to confirm not to install various codecs etc. had to click maybe 30 times OK button. That was not a problem, i have just not understood most of the things that was offered to me.

So it may help if user can select category of codecs to install after initial boot. Like three options (basic codes, basic tv codecs, encoding codecs..) or install all showing disk space needed next to each group.

2) Next thing i was looking for was to try to restore my .tar backup file created my LibreELEC. Maybe it is not possible, but it raised issue: What is the SSH login credentials. This information was missing at https://xbian.org/getting-started/ . This information is visible at the bottom of the https://xbian.org/faq/ (Default login is xbian and password is raspberry). When i have used these credentials and tried to upload file to /xbmc-backup & put_here_to_restore. There was network traffic, yet the file disappeared. I have not found option to allow write access and after some time i have found somewhere option to allow SSH root access in Settings/Xbian/System. I did it expecting the password will be the same "raspberry", no i could not login, had to go back and set password via UI: Settings/Xbian/System but SSH login still does not work. maybe i need to restart. No it was qwerty, qwerty issue.

Improvement? mention login credentials on getting started page. Update FAQ entry to mention what is the root password.

3) as mentioned i had qwertz/qwerty issue, because i am not in english country, my keyboard typed wrong character. Please add non english languages to kodi. Or i have missed in during initial boot. It is not there.

4) Also can be handy to mention if/how one can restore LibreELEC settings like tvheadend and its configuration? But it is too tageted and many people not use it so maybe not even deserve FAQ. BUT i hav enot found TVheadend server in the addons (There is only client addon). When i move to TV menu entry, click to browse addons, the PVR section is empty. Maybe it was offered to me during initial boot. But i was not expecting that when i skip installation it will not be available at all for future install?

mkreisl commented 2 years ago

Just a few sentences to explain

1) XBian is not Libreelec Libreelec is a collection of individual programs that admittedly worked well. But since LE does not have a package manager, everything has to be done via addons. This is not the case with XBian. XBian is based on Debian and therefore also has the package manager. 2) What do you want with LE backup files at XBian???? 3) the xbian-backup folder is for exchanging backup files created by xbian backup tools. nothing else. 4) as it is usual with debian/ubuntu etc etc, there is normally no root access. consequently no root password.

XBian also has a forum which is actually responsible for this. please avoid leaving such things as issues here in the future.

Thanks a lot